Having cooling issues and not much space to put anything big in. The fan i have is terrible but figured like a 2-4ft oscilating fan would be best. I was trying to find one that you mount on a wall but no luck. Any suggestions?
wall-mart sells many types of small fans pretty cheap. if you cant find a wall mountable one, just get a small clamp fan (or a few) and with a few screws or nails its wall mounted...
I have a Lasko small oscilating tower fan from Lowe's, you might check goodwill or other type stores. S.S.
Try hanging it instead, you could try hanging a tower fan from its base. I saw mountable round fans once but they were pretty expensive just for the mount-ability. I just got a holmes oscillating fan a couple days ago, replaced one I got from Costco years back. I like it because the base is smaller and you have to put it together and there are 4 screw holes that you could pretty easily mount onto a piece of plywood or something (you would need longer screws though) Mount that vertically hanging down. Hell I might even try this myself now.