False accusations of rape.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by insight420, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. We could put them on the sexual offenders list, where they have to go door to door telling people they are on said list. For maybe 10-20 years or so. That would be some pretty funny stuff.
  2. Same sentence as the supposed offender would have received.

    But also an entry in the sex offender registry. After all, they were attempting to use a sexual act to psychologically and physically torture another person.

    Damn it ninja'd^

  3. She seriously fucked him up too, one stab wound punctured his lung, diaphram, stomach, spleen and left kidney. He died 10 days later.

  4. To be fair, you can be put on the registry for something as mild as taking a piss in public. Which I would do if I needed to. So they should get that at least, and feel like they got off easy if they do.

  5. You can get convicted of a sex crime for pissing in public? Seriously?
  6. [quote name='"JuanRing"']

    You can get convicted of a sex crime for pissing in public? Seriously?[/quote]

    At least here in the states yeah

  7. Remember, there's a law for everything in the U.S. ;) :laughing:
  8. I say 50-75% of the punishment the accused rapist would have received if convicted.

    Sorry but a lie, no matter how serious, is not as bad as rape. It's just not.
  9. idk maybe just give the alleged victim the alleged rapists' stint in jail let the rapists go free..
  10. This lets support women movement needs to fucking die.

    Yes, there are female victims... but a prejudiced only leads to innocent people being incriminated.

    Lets support people... Woman, man, child... Support the innocent and prosecute the guilty... Anything other than that is ridiculous.

  11. True, he did, and that protects him from any civil suits, but it's still very fucked up. He'll never really put it behind him. If you read through that he says that he's lost dates because they Googled him and found that. Imagine explaining that shit, no matter what you say she's still never gonna feel right.

    And she just gets nothing, not a thing. He gets 8 months for doing nothing at all, she completely bullshits and lied, and she walks out with nothing.

    Women have also killed their husbands in many different cases and got off with nothing. I remember one case, I forget the woman's name, but she camped out by her house and waited for her husband to come home, and shot him with a hunting rifle and killed him.

    She got something like a year's probation and counselling. You're telling me if a man waited in ambush for his wife and killed her in cold blood that he would get counselling? More like life in prison or the death penalty.

    I just like to point out that justice really isn't blind. There's a huge double standard when it comes to crime and punishment.
  12. I just can't fathom why they'd let that child go home to be with a, clearly, deranged mother.

  13. Well that's my point. The courts really favor mothers. The mother has to serious, seriously fuck up before they'd ever take a child from his mom and put them with their dad.

    It's like the default is the mother, and if she's really such an obvious mess that they really have to give the father custody, then he gets it, but if there's any doubt whatsoever, they courts always tend to side with the mother.

    It's stupid, in custody disputes they should give primary custody to whoever seems like the more fit parent. But for some reason fathers always get fucked over in these cases, just like guys always get worked over in rape cases.

    With rape, it's almost like there's special rules, it seems like the man is guilty until proven innocent, instead of the opposite.
  14. [quote name='"JuanRing"']
    With rape, it's almost like there's special rules, it seems like the man is guilty until proven innocent, instead of the opposite.[/quote]

    I agree, but I also see why the court would tip toe around the whole ordeal.
  15. getting rape.
  16. It is when it sends someone to prison or ruins their life. That's actual harm which has physical & mental consequences.
  17. I think false rape accusations are a serious thing. Although, I do believe women should feel empowered enough by now to know that going to police ASAP is the best thing to do. Lie detectors and investigations should be MANDATORY. For the false claims I think 2-5 years with a cash settlement will suffice. Defamation of character for something that never happened is a crime! The act of rape is such a horrible thing and the actual people who commit these atrocious crimes don't deserve to come out of prison. That isn't the case though. This reminds me of Canada's Harper allowing child rapists to serve less time than pot growers( don't hold me to that ). Where is the fucking humanity people!?

    Child Rapist To Get Less Time Than Pot Grower
  18. death penalty is a bit much.
    do they not get charged with wasting police time? i wouls have thought theyd atleast be charged with that
  19. I am pretty sure the state could charge you with the following at a min.

    Obstruction of justice
    Falsifying information to a police officer.

    not to mention that the accused could file defamation of character charges which pending your state could be both criminal and civil charges.

    I highly doubt that the people that do this get away scott free, police dept's get pretty pissed when you waste their underfunded time and resources.

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