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facebook freaks

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dualified, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. so this girl added me like about a month ago and i had only met her once and i moved away...and she remembered me i guess. (she's cute btw) and added me so i was like alright. well we exchanged numbers and have been talking on and off for over a month now and now shes sayin some shit like "your one of my best friends" and i've only seen her ONCE in person. i'm coming down to visit next month and she's talking about how she will buy ME dinner. she has a boyfriend too. in any case if this was to happen i'm the man here and i expect to pay but this is certainly different..i'm not complaining i'm just saying it's...different, especially after i offered to pay several times...and i really don't think its a good idea to even hang out with her, idk...

    anyways, back to my point. anyone else here dealt with weird, attaching, obsessive girls over facebook?
  2. What's the big deal having her buy dinner? Women fight for equal rights.

    I don't have a Facebook and in this way eliminate the problem of obsessive facebook girls.
  3. It doesn't make you less of a man to let a female buy you dinner blade. Take that free meal....suggest a nice place too
  4. the way i've been raised in my household is the man is supposed to be a gentleman and buy for the woman; never let a woman pay for something that should be a mans responsibility. like paying for a movie, or dinner, or a new dress. these are all gifts and should be provided by the man as such..

    i don't know. times have changed maybe? but i still prefer to be a gentleman.
  5. [quote name='"Dualified"']

    the way i've been raised in my household is the man is supposed to be a gentleman and buy for the woman; never let a woman pay for something that should be a mans responsibility. like paying for a movie, or dinner, or a new dress. these are all gifts and should be provided by the man as such..

    i don't know. times have changed maybe? but i still prefer to be a gentleman.[/quote]

    Is this even with friends? Like you were raised to not have an equal friendship with a member of the opposite sex? (Not sarcasm, I'm really curious)
  6. nah, dates only. because it sounds like she wants a date..

    not with friends.

  7. .
  8. i was brought up old school, idk.
  9. That just doesn't do it for me man. Don't you question things? I hate tradition, and always need to question it.
  10. yes but i've just generally accepted that i guess.

  11. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!! :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal: :devious: :metal:
  12. I used to make my ex pay for every other dinner date or movie date. Shit gets expensive dude. Its not like I had money flowing out of my asshole back then either. I had to pay for gas for everywhere we went..Its like god damn bitch you pay $70 every two weeks for your fucking nails. Buy me a god damn mcdouble every now and then or I'm going to put it in your ass again bitch.
  13. [quote name='"Dualified"']

    the way i've been raised in my household is the man is supposed to be a gentleman and buy for the woman; never let a woman pay for something that should be a mans responsibility. like paying for a movie, or dinner, or a new dress. these are all gifts and should be provided by the man as such..

    i don't know. times have changed maybe? but i still prefer to be a gentleman.[/quote]

    If a guy is taking a girl out on a date, of course he should pay. But this chick was the one who asked him to go, she has a boyfriend, and he offered to pay and she refused.. He has no obligation to pay lol, take that free meal OP and if she's cute and obsessed with you and her bf's an asshole then get it in ;)
  14. you sure she wants your dick? sounds to me like you are in the friend zone bro
  15. i think, that because you guys have only met once, and that she has a girlfriend, that should each pay for your own meal. to avoid awkwardness.

    seems like this girl really wants a friend...

    to be honest though, i don't think you should go out to dinner at all with this girl, she has a boyfriend. and i feel like it might turn out to be really uncomfortable and awkward meal, OP. cause you guys have only met in person once. i can just see you two in my head now sitting at this dinner, having issues figuring out what to talk about. and then it gets even more awkward when you guys can't decide who pays.

    like theres nothing really else you guys can do while you guys are going out to dinner besides talk to each other, and if you have trouble talking with her already over facebook or text or whatever PLEASE don't go save yourself the awkwardness or think of something else to do where you your only option isn't just to talk..
  16. girls dont hit you up to put you in the friend zone. just fuck and dont spend any money.
  17. nah man your in the right, no need to retract, your parents raised you right in that aspect for sure
  18. so what if she has a boyfriend :D
  19. I always paid for my friend's meals, female or male, when I had the money to do so because I liked being able to provide people with food (by proxy).

    I dunno about the facebook-stalker thing going on there, but I get the paying thing.
  20. Chivalry guys, learn it, live it, love it.

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