Eye surgery and smoking question

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by smokethesmoke, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Sup blades, I just got eye surgery for my lazy eye yesterday. They loosened one muscle and tightened the other. The question is how long should I wait till I smoke? They put dissolving stitches in and i'm worried if I smoke they will loosen enough for the lazy eye to come back. Am I being parranoid or should I wait a few weeks?
  2. to be safe wait about a week. I got blasted in the eye with a rubber pellet size of a golfball and my eye filled with blood and lost my visionality for bout 5 days and was off work so what did I do...smoke, think i did some damage to myself but whatever thats nothin new.
  3. Imo the only problem would be if you coughed from smoking.

    Would be preferable if you switched to edibles or vaping exclusively for a bit, I say.

    Of course not using cannabis at all is the safest route.

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