explain yourselves believers!

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by The Third Eye, May 9, 2011.

  1. That's from 1979, notice it says UPDATED.

    Your biased on the subject due to race, so it's useless for me to present any evidence. Like I said, David Cole, he was Jewish and not even he bought it and traveled there to research it himself, and has been in hiding ever since a death threat was put out on him.

    If you'd like I will try to explain by what I meant with the Holocaust having good to come out of it, but as you are an atheist it will do no good. It was a vast karmic cleansing. Suffering burns karma, it's the natural way that we are pushed towards our purpose of seeking permanent happiness in God, and WWII was world wide suffering for the most part and had a similar effect of Christ being crucified for taking on a huge load of the world's karma.

  2. i'll let your post speak for itself.

    chill out bro, i's only jokin around:p
  3. I am chill... probably too chill which may be the problem cause I always forget others can not be. Obviously what I wrote should not of been taken completely seriously haha

    You have turtle in your name?! Thats crazy I was just telling someone a story of how I almost ran over a turtle on a bike trail then when I stopped I yelled turtle and my friend bailed rolling down a hill lol
  4. Turtles are vicious

  5. Red: Why don't you follow his lead and just chill out, man?
    Dale Denton: I'm chill. I'm chill as a cucumber, man.
    Red: You don't seem chill.
    Dale Denton: I'm more chill than you.
    Red: You're more chill than me?
    Dale Denton: Yeah.
    Red: Look what I'm wearing. Kimono, dog. What're you wearing?
    Dale Denton: A suit.
    Red: Yeah, exactly. I don't know what's up with you, but I don't know if I like you.
    Dale Denton: Well, I don't know if I like you either, man.
    Red: Well, that's your loss 'cause I'm a great friend.


  6. While I don't really get the point of this but I like it :p
  7. Your sentence that I quoted you on just reminded me of that scene lol that's all :D
  8. Well done, I enjoyed what you wrote. You started off great with Love, but finished in darkness. That is what we are trying to let go.

  9. After getting some sleep I got it :eek:

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