Experts only please?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by snead_305, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. yeah..
  2. #3 greenmeany, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2010
    your first link doesnt work. if your referring to the awesome lookin plant with multiple tops then check out topping/fimming and lst or scrog. i believe theyre all in the absolute begginers section. if you are talking about that plant, then a "Sea of green" wouldnt even really apply here technically. you would just have several plants that you are training. sea of green you have many smaller plants w/o training. not sure what your really asking here

  3. sea of green is where you lots of plants and just grow the center bud and trim everything else off.
  4. correct.
  5. Oh ok I was confused. I meant Id just have a whole row of these then. And Ive read topping and fimming I was wondering if anyone cared to share how this would be done specifically.
  6. jsut look in the thread man its got pictures. your basically just nipping off the top of the plant. and then it actually forms 2 chutes where you nip it. that is how you can get one central stem with like 15 other branches lol. you just keep doing it everywhere. check the thread and pictures out. and try it for yourself. it really is fascinating.
  7. Maybe I was the only person to actually click on the link and troll some pictures. The one he is asking about is there, in the red hempy bucket.

    It doesn't look like he did much to this plant, there are buds down the full length of all of the colas, nothing trimmed off like a scrog would look. What I think is a little bit of lst work and the knowledge of a few grows backed by a well lit environment tuned to bud production. ;]
  8. I feel like I must also add in the possibility that this plant was once a mother and has had many clones taken; the way the main stalk looks just isn't normal .. haha. In either case the last bit about the environment will hold true.
  9. The plant in the red hempy bucket is that way because of a combination of the genetics and the environment. The way the stem curves is probably because it was topped or cloned. Nothing that weird really IMO - it was just a well grown plant.

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