Experiments plants are incredible. Nutes vs No Nutes

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by My_hydro, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Ok so I have about 15 or so plants going and I ran some fun experiments. One of them was a plant with zero nutrients. It's a no brainer of course what would happen but what happened later was the incredible thing.

    When my plants were seedlings I decided to put one of them in clean potting soil with zero nutrients. First of all this is incredibly stupid and is bad for the plant. As of now I'm almost to week 3 of flowering and my plant with zero nutrients is a third of the size of the others and for its entire life it has been a yellow color. The plant just did not look healthy at all. So today I decided enough of this I'm going to give this plant some nutrients. I provided the plant with some fox farm big bloom and within hours the plant has went from yellow to light green. I'm in shock at how fast this happened but it goes to show you how these plants are always working. Still needs more nutrients to catch up and be heathy but after just one feeding and literally hours later the plant is beginning to fix itself and fast.
  2. Pics or they don't exist haha:weed:
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