experienced benzo/opiate users

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by gotitforcheap, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. ive got a decent tolerance to both and i know what im doing.
    since ive got a prety high tolerance i took about 4 bars and im feelin all right, not barred out but just chillin.
    do you think it will be straight to iv an oxy 40, ive been taking them daily for the last week and just wondering how bad of an idea it is.
  2. .... well if you're taking 8mg of bars on the regular you will have a seizure if you coldturkey it. Also, if you've been I.V'ing oxies for the last week and you're just now wondering if it is a bad idea, what is the cause of the sudden concern? You should be fine if you know how to extract it and inject it .... :rolleyes:
  3. no i rarely take more than 2 mgs a day, today is the first day ive taken more than that this week. and i know the two combine edin higher doses is a bad idea. so just looking foor a mocre clear answer on how bad of an idea.
  4. dumb idea
  5. the mix is toxic. you could lapse into seizure or just loose conciousness about 30 seconds after iv that oxy. but judging from your otherposts on here, you dont seem to care too much about yourself
  6. who cares when you can get hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh :)

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