Today I went out, bought a pair of decent skullcandy headphones, got ripped, and plopped myself down for a good 3 hours of Metal, Dubstep, and Classic Rock. Needless to say I felt the need to create this thread in the honour of expensive/good quality headphones! Letting us really hear the bass and having the headphone cord not rip every 2 months like the shitty apple ones. fuck those headphones... oh I forgot to mention, mine are RASTA COLOURED!!! HAH!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!??!?! EDIT: I realize skullcandy aren't the real good ones, but they're good enough for me, which is all that matters.
I got klipse S4 earbuds (80$) they where supposed to be the best for the money and they are just as good and probably sound a little better then my bose over ear headphones ($130) they have been beat on for over 2 years i'm actually amazed they still work, i go through headphones so much i spend all of the free time that im not with ppl and listen to music