existential ra ra

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by mlangaso, May 26, 2012.

  1. not sure where this goes. I refuse to discard this among the poetry thread. Its like casting a ballot (it wont matter and ill never see that text again).

    I went to this Chinese place
    With the hot counter
    Serve how many dead
    "All the entrees!"

    It was lunchtime
    A little under one, actually
    And, I'm so hungry
    Food would be sex right now

    The place is really full
    I half-expect Fire Marshall Bill to
    Come out and bitch

    This couple eject rom their seats
    No doubt to move on to
    Their next conquest
    A lonely couch
    Sitting at home

    I take the space for me and my mom
    Who since I last saw her is experiencing
    A rational spell

    She calls me up
    Because it's our turn to order, and she can't hear
    Over the cacophony of
    "New shoes" and
    "Somebody who wasn't me
    Did something amazing today."

    I get up and tell her
    And this ratty woman
    Steals my spot
    And i turn back

    "That's my seat."

    "No, it's not."

    "Yes, and you saw me sitting there."

    I laugh and try to diffuse the situation
    "You're welcome to sit here, though
    But this will not be your seat exclusively."

    And, she might as well have vomited in my face:

    "Why are you acting so weird?"

    Since when is it strange to be kind to strangers?
  2. What if that day
    Was the day i turned a new leaf
    Set out to entreat my
    Fellow man to a future of compassionate exercise?

    This bitch would've ruined it
    I say would've
    Because it wasn't the day
    I was just being practical

    This supposed altruism
    Doesn't warrant
    Twenty blowjobs
    From the most wizard Karmic Ministry
    of Appropriations

    That would be an interesting form of currency
    It would promote
    Harmonious symphonies of patience and resolve
    In places where other peaceful visionaries may have failed
    And just try to inflate that!

    Back to the bitch...

    Fuck her
    Fuck every traumatizing moment she's ever had
    Her terrible friends
    Her indifferent husband
    Shitty parents
    Society for refusing to go along with the joke
    I assume we are all in on

    We're gonna dies someday
    And this is it

    I don't know if you think
    You're gonna win a fucking boat or
    Tickets to Jeopardy
    When you die
    Thats your problem

    Apparently, gods gonna give you a
    Big, wet rim job in the sky

    Don't make that my fantasy

    Fuck all the people
    that made this place full
    And started this fuckery

    If we were fruit flies
    In someone's face
    No one would hesitate to exterminate us
    Because theres too many of us
    They'd just WHACK
    Or more efficiently CHHHHHH

    Get some Zyklon B in here
    Eradicate the world

    The dreamers, the Haters
    Engineers and artists
    "The strongest of the strange"
    And the weakest of the pedestrian
    The whispers and the fizzles
    The still who become nothing
    The strokers and the jokers
    The liars and the hurters
    their victims
    The hurt

    Let them all commune
    As corpses
    Shrouded in each others tv dinner flesh
    Forming radio towers of death
    Whichll send our message of infinite srlf-destruction into space

    And when future civilizations
    Discover the sum of our
    They will marvel at
    How right we were

    Everything ends and
    Nothing is changed
    Save for the absence
    Of our bellicose philosophies

    The violence at the end of
    The universe
    Is inherent in every living

    Though us humans, we speak
    At deafening levels compared to other species
    Our level of intelligence
    Makes us the definitive
    The essential
    Though, unauthorized
    Guide to the inner-workings
    Of all creation
    We are thr vessels of
    The histories
    For all eternity

    You are the librarian
    Maintain it
    Or let vagrants
    Rip out pages
    From your stories
    To aid in their defecation

    Think on this
    Next time you feel sad
    Because no one came to your
    'Madproblem Men' party
  3. <33333 love these

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