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Exhaling thru the nose.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by EdgarOregon100, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. I find it's much nicer than exhaling thru the mouth sometimes. It seems I'm much less likely to cough my balls off. It also helps when smoking resin, like I'm doing now, because you don't really taste the shittiness of it.:D

    Any other nose blowers out there?:hello:
  2. thats probably terrable for your nose

  3. Probably not....
  4. I was always under the impression that exhaling through the nose gets you higher. If you think about it there are open capillaries in your nose, just like your lungs. So excess MJ smoke (that still has THC that your lungs haven't absorbed) that is exhaled through the nose, could in theory get you higher.

  5. tell that to my sinus infection, it is infact bad for the sinus's. dries them out.
    do it all the time and see how it affects you :)
  6. i always blow through the nose better taste... get's u higher
  7. it carbonaites your brain.
  8. Im saying theres pros and cons, but hey.. What ever floats your boat.

  9. I do it all the time. Must just depend person to person eh?
  10. Well when i exhale i open my nose passages so it comes out both my mouth and my nose.
  11. You still inhaled it, Either way it's going to exhale by itself, i sometimes exhale though my nose, for flavor purposes and it seems to clear out my sinuses sometimes

    If u exhale through nose, you definitely notice an increase in the flavor of the bud
  12. thats because smell is how you taste. If you didnt have smell you wouldn't be able to taste things.

    thats why i smell drinks as much as i can.

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