Excited, so far so good.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Neverwill, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Well, today i walked into my little grow space, took a look at my plants, and... ONE IS GROWING whooooohooooo!!! its about 1-2 inches above the soil about ( no ruler to measure ha ) do i need to change any of the lightings? like timings at all?

    Temp: 20-25 degrees celcius ( 75-80ish farenheight )
    1 Fan blowing out
    20 watt Cool White florecent ( http://www.amazon.com/SYLVANIA-20-Watt-Pre-Heat-Fluorescent-F20T12CWCVP10/dp/B000KKNFH0 ) kinda like that one.
    and i have some reflective aluminum foil lying around the area to brighten it up a bit.

    thanks for any help ;D

    EDIT: allso, i need some tips on how to pick out if its male or female.. at the moment it just has two very small leaves and 2 bigger ones growing... cant tell what it is yet.
  2. ur gonna need more light then that to really grow them it's ok for babys
    aluminium foil is garbage creates hot spots spray paint flat white
    u cant tell sex for 6weeks or force flowering males have balls females have white hairs
  3. ahh, thanks for thetips man, about how much more light we talking, im not planning on keeping them in the house for long.. just long enough so they are able to live outside. About how long should I wait till i put it outside?
    and, what should my light timings be right now?
  4. run lights 24/7 or 18/6
    if ur putting them outside prolly a week or 2 u might get by with that light till then just keep it close
  5. allrighty, i'll run em 24/7 for now, and next wednessday i'll switch em to outside, thanks again man

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