Ever think about working for Mexico's mafias? Have a suv?

Discussion in 'General' started by greenergrassova, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Drug Smugglers' SUV Stuck Atop Border Fence - ABC News

  2. lol is that car on top of a fence!!! haha omg yes
  3. haha!
    i would not work or join any mexican gang or illegal organization. Not because there latin but because im white and they would probably kill me as soon as i wasnt worth anything to them.
  4. Thank you for making my day people.
  5. Those dudes do that shit all the time.

    Drive cars over the fence like that i mean.

    Just so you guys know lol Its not like to retards were trying to start a new smuggling fad lol like this is regular shit.. those crazy motherfuckers have ghetto submarines for fucks sake lol
  6. I don't think I'd enjoy working for a Mexican mafia nearly as much as I currently enjoy having my head connected to my body.

    So no thank you.
  7. You guys think you just get chopped, just don't steal or do anything bad..

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