Ever seen a UFO?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Blix, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. I didn't see a poll for this, so title says it all.
  2. Not yet...
  3. Yeah I think I did once when I was in 4th grade

    I was at a camp that was like in the civil war time we had like play fights and made like candles and shit
    But when we were being taught on how old settlers used to grow their fruits and vegetables I wa getting bored and I looked at the sky and I saw a figure, like a white dot it the sky moving back and forth as if it were swinging like a swing
    I started freaking not understanding what it was I rubbed my eyes, tried seeing if I had something in my eyes, moving and nothing the figure still swung
    I stared at it for a few seconds and it stopped swinging and started sliming upward and shot across the sky faster than anything I have seem before and just like that it was gone
  4. Ever jerk off with a belt around your neck
  5. #5 jeffy420, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    My personal favorite way to rub one off.
  6. A couple months ago I saw what looked like a giant shooting star. Maybe about the size of a quarter held out by hand, by comparison. It was a ufo to me.
  7. saw a blue light shoot across the sky earlier this year. when i was younger i was layin in the grass, saw a disc fly thru the sky, went into/above a cloud, never came out.think as it t
  8. I dont want to say I have seen one but me and my friends were walking down the road one time, high as fuck and something flew over the top of us and I swear to god it looked like it was rotating, we were like wtf!!!!!!!!!
  9. Just recently, near saratoga NY.

    There was a ball of light brighter than a star. I thought it was a planet.

    It was the only light in the sky and suddenly started zig zagging back and fourth. I thought I was just drunk but my sober girlfriend said it was moving like crazy. It did this for about 5 minutes.

    Suddenly it faded out of sight. Then it reappeared with two other balls of light near by. After another minute they all went away.
  10. Yeah I think so, I didnt see it up close so I cant say for sure. I do however know that this thing flew in patterns and at G's that were no where near sustainable for a human manned aircraft. At first I thought it was a satellite, it was just slowly moving in a straight line up in the stratosphere. It looked odd but I said to myself its gotta be a satellite unless it were to do some crazy maneuver. As soon as I finished thinking that it stopped dead and started flying around this one star just doing circles. I started tripping the fuck out, so I went and grabbed my cousin. We just watched this thing in awe for like 30 minutes and then it eventually disappeared. It was definitely one of the more weird experiences Ive had.

    My dad swears on his life he saw a ufo hovering above a building across his street when his was 19. He's not known to lie about things.
  11. The reason I think I've never seen any is because I'm always near some decent or high quality video or photography equipment. I got my nice (but a little old) Canon xTi, Kodak Zi8, GoPro, and my HTC 4G. They can all take nice pictures/video.

    So maybe if I had a shitty camera or something that looks like it was taken on a calculator I'd probably see more.
  12. I have seen some weird stuff in the sky but I cant say for sure it was a UFO.
  13. I didn't see a UFO, but technically I was there for a UFO sighting :laughing: Although for the poll I said No, maybe it should have been Yes

    When my mom was pregnant with me, she and my dad went camping in Indiana, which has beautiful campgrounds. Anyway, they were hanging out by the lake one night and witnessed a UFO rise up from the lake and into the sky. They said they chased after it :laughing: but it got away
  14. yes, but I don't think it was them, seemed more like one of our toys.
  15. Cool thread. I'd bet the farm (pun intended) that nearly all of the people who respond "yes" are either from rural areas or saw the UFO in a place where it is not fully urbanized.

    I wish I could see Aliens and the idea of intergalactic space travel, but I have yet to witness anything in the sky other than the celestial bodies, satellites and human controlled aircraft.

    That being said, I guarantee that there's another planet out there with life that is as advanced or more advanced than us. They may not closely resemble us (in the Star Wars concept of humanoid aliens), but their intellectual abilities will be similar. However (another way of saying "that being said"), I am not convinced that we will live to see humans and aliens make first contact...I really hope we do and it's peaceful, but I don't see it happening.
  16. Went to the park with a j, Upon walking back home i looked into the sky and saw what looked like a space rocket going vertically up into the sky, i stared at it till it disappered above the clouds. I always think about that time and what it actually could have been.
  17. I've seen UFO's Twice, Once when I was around 12-13, us kids just got out of School, and everyone was looking up in the sky, Kids, Parents, teachers all pointing up, it looked like shiny rectangular coffins spinning in the sky, there were hundreds of them about a mile up. they were there for some time, then they just disappeared.

    second time me and my uncle were whittling wood on the porch at night when we both saw 2 Purple glowing objects streak across the sky, then slowly descend behind the hills a few miles from us. we looked at each other and said, did you see that? we both saw it. and to this day we still cannot explain it, and often talk about it.
  18. UFO = Unidentified Flying Object.
    There's been a fuck load of things in the sky I couldn't identify. Whether or not they were extra terrestrial though I have no idea, otherwise it'd have been identified, would it not?:smoke:
  19. Two times First time i was 4 years old on a family friends orchard. Me and my friend lockey were bouncing on the trampoline and we heared a noise. It was kind of like the noise a car would make as it passed you but really smooth. We looked up in the sky and there was a silver disc shape thing flying in the sky. In clear view with the blue sky in the background. We stood on the trampoline for about 10 seconds just staring at it and then i got scared and ran into his shed and got lost. Even to this day me and lockey remember this day. Although it may have not been what we thought it to be as we were very young, and it was a very long time ago so it may not be 100% But this is exactly as i remember it.

    And the second time i was around 12 or 13. It was about 8pm and i stayed over at my friends house one night. It was dark outside and we decided to go into his spa pool out on his deck. We went in like normal and were just talking and staring at the stars. We would talk about things like rating girls we knew and silly child stuff.

    We looked away from the stars for a few seconds then looked back up and one of us noticed there was a redlight in the sky. The view was clear with no clouds or trees or structures blocking any part of the view. It was about as bright as the other stars but was red, like cherry red. It in one spot then dissapered. It poped up again in another spot in the sky. "are you seeing this man?" i said to my friend. "that red light? i see it too" it darted across to another spot in the sky in a microsecond and stopped and stood still for a few seconds. It would dart from one spot to another in phenomenal rates of speed. It would go back forth, side to side. Sometimes it would completely dissaper from the sky then re appear again.

    No way was this thing man made. it had to be travelling at crazy fast speeds travelling far distances in microseconds. Unbelievable. We still talk it about sometimes. Oh and by the way we hadn't tried any drugs until about a year or two after this happened

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