Ever see someone get hit over the head with a guitar full force? LOL

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by buck nasty, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H98a7DRKAIY[/ame]
  2. i dunno that didnt make me laugh nor feel sympathy for the basterd
  3. Yeah brain damage is hilarious?
  4. for stoners you guys seem pretty uptight lol
  5. This is why people think Americans are stupid.... because they are
  6. Stupid... At least it wasn't a les paul.
  7. Was there a point behind this, or....?
  8. stereotypical

    not all stoners are dumb and laugh at everything

  9. at least we're not morons like the people in the video
  10. Shouldve done it with a bass.
  11. it didn't even fucking break..
  12. So that's where that got that sound effect for Tom & Jerry

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inCdS9neyhA]tom and jerry - part02 - YouTube[/ame]


  13. Eeeell kaboooooooong!!!
  14. I've seen this done on wrestling a lot.
  15. Oh it broke, you should see it up close

  16. nah dude, I require complete annihilation of that guitar upon that guy's head, not just little dents and scratches. in fact, shoulda made it an electric guitar. I also needed a fuckin shot of his corpse with guitar shards lodged in his head as well as the brainless expressions on the kids' faces when they realize they've killed their friend. gritty death violence. now that would have been funny.
  17. [quote name='"mydaddyatemyeye"']

    nah dude, I require complete annihilation of that guitar upon that guy's head, not just little dents and scratches. in fact, shoulda made it an electric guitar. I also needed a fuckin shot of his corpse with guitar shards lodged in his head as well as the brainless expressions on the kids' faces when they realize they've killed their friend. gritty death violence. now that would have been funny.[/quote]


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