Ever had a life-changing Epiphany?

Discussion in 'General' started by Parsifal711, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. What up GC anyway i've had maybe 2 epiphanies in my life but nothing can compare to the one I had today. I don't really know how epiphanies work everything just falls in place in your head due to a situation or thought I guess. The epiphany I had was crazy and I really think its going to change my life for the better. I was 100% sober the whole day and I was sober when I had it.

    Anyone have a life changing epiphany? On drugs or sober :D?

    Lookin forward to read your responses
  2. Care to share what you figured out?

    And yes, I've had several. Mainly entheogen induced.
  3. LSD seemed to produce some very inspirational epiphanys for me, but i can never seem to remember them.... "basic pricibles apply to complex ideas"
  4. basically I figured out all the big problems in my life would be solved by simply not fucking around on a couple things and staying focused on whats important for the future. It doesnt sound much when you read it but when it clicks in your head, especially when you've been having a rough time it really makes a difference and motivates you.
  5. I had one where I realized how unhappy I was with my life. It took about a total of 5 months though...
  6. That's what it's about though man!

    I had an ayahuasca experience today that reinforced that everything is going to be ok. As trite and overplayed as that phrase is, the comfort it offers when you need it is just mind blowing.

  7. Exactly I don't know how but it just makes sense just to you like something in your own little world just clicked. weird how it works

    have you ever had one sober like I did?
  8. In the vastness of the universe, all that I know is nothing, as there are infinite things to know, and anything divided by infinity is essentially zero.

    Not sure what it did, or when I had it, why, but I think it humbled me a bit. :p
  9. Lookie here, a fellow psychonaut? :D

    Several entheogens have helped me realize ultimately that sure, the world is full of bullshit and so on, but why let any of that hold you back? I'm sure we can all somehow relate to life's troubles bearing down on our souls, but the very fact that we're experiencing this world is more than enough to cast aside daily problems and realize that we're somehow living in this fucking beautiful place we call Earth. Who cares how we're here; what matters is that we ARE here, so as cliche as it sounds, cherish it all, because for all we know, this life is it. Fuck the bullshit, live it up, and love! :)
  10. The Long Version: Earlier this week/today, I did some hard thinking inspired by, of all things, late-night TV commercials. I watched three consecutive commercials with a common theme: easy vs. hard. "Dieting is hard; Slimshots are easy!" "Running is hard; walking is EASY!" "Match.com makes finding love EASY..." And I thought to myself, what the hell is Western society doing to itself? Do I, as a young person in today's world, have nothing more to look forward to than a world where the great life events that should be earned (a healthy lifestyle, a happy relationship) are being diluted in order to make them easy? This seriously disturbed me, and the unease I felt upon thinking this gave me a window onto the person I really am at my core.
    I believe that the important things in life are the things you sacrifice for and work toward; I believe that the hurdles you overcome in love only make the relationship stronger in the end; I believe that you never appreciate your health unless you work for it. The idea of being able to have someone find my soulmate for me seems cheap. I've realized how much challenges make you grow and how important they are, and with this realization I'm going to have a new outlook on life.

    The Short Version: Yes. After a bowl of nice mids at 2 am, August 3, 2009. I truly realized how cheap and artificial American society is becoming for the first time and it has sent shock waves through my outlook.

    I apologize for the novel...I realize in retrospect that this was more of a Yes or No kind of question...
  11. +rep for that, thats actually crazy how it was inspired by commercials, and quite the opposite I want people to post something like that instead of a yes or no, its more interesting.

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