Eventfull night

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by weedst, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. tonight i had work and was almost late but made it just in time. whebn i got to work one of the girls there was like you tying to smoke tonight? and i was like um i dont have no bud:( she then sais nah its all good im getting some delivered to work. nicccce. we close up right on time clock pout then go into her car and drive around the corner to this girls house to hot box her car iunno why not her house but w/e. then i look to my left and this other girl was rolling with a green game and i dint realize till my drive home that this girl was f****** licking this wrapper up and down for some reason. but i paid no attention to it at all. then on the way home im going tbhrough this one town and there are 5 cop cars on the side of the street pulling over a van with 3 mexicans in it.

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