Ethereum? (PDF included)

Discussion in 'General' started by SplitGenetics, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. #1 SplitGenetics, Jan 20, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
    Curious as to how many blades are Ethereum enthusiasts here? I'm just getting back on the GC forum after quite a long break and would love to see how many of you use this tech at all or are into it at all..
    I got involved in the ETH crowdsale, and it's been quite the ride! If you haven't heard about atleast Ethereum, give it some research, it's really amazing Tech

    White Paper · ethereum/wiki Wiki · GitHub
  2. Apparently, Bitcoin discussion has been banned.. :(
  3. #3 SplitGenetics, Jan 20, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
    Really? I've been out of the Grasscity loop for quite a while now.. I re edited the post so it wouldn't be flagged, :( it's sad btc talk has been disabled/banned..

    EDIT- But apparently it hasn't been!!!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Why ? That shouldn't be the case .
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  5. ah.. that's ok then.

    I had some my posts about Bitcoin removed a couple of months ago .. maybe it's been loosened, but Idk.
  6. We never had a rule against Bitcoin. In fact our shop also accepts bitcoin as payment method.
    • Like Like x 6
  7. Bitcoins a beautiful payment method. I personally love using it to transact with, but the fees and block size issues are starting to become more of an ordeal as time moves onward. One more thing I've been involved in for that very reason is something called Monero. Absolutely an incredible currency.

    Monero (XMR) price, charts, and info | Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations
    • Like Like x 2
  8. I just wish they had an easier and faster way to convert world currency into Bitcoin..

    I can't afford to lose a single cent these days. .lol
  9. where and wy, I want that reinstated!!
  10. I love Ethereum

    Some awesome future project based on the Ethereum Blockchain

    Decentralized Prediction Market | Augur Project
    vDice Game
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Ahhh here's my man! Glad to see another fellow in here interested. Golem's potential is so huge in my opinion, I think Ethereum and Golem together is going to blow everything out of the water in several years..

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. It is a nice idea however i doubt it will get huge honestly because usability of Gotham is very limited.And with privacy concerns on top of latency issues it will be a nice project but will never get huge.
  13. I was on board with Ethereum until they did that "fork" which muddied up the waters for me.

    I think Vitalik is a boy-genius but the whole thing got too confusing for me to keep track of.

    Thus, I bailed on my position and rolled it into more Ripple....
  14. Ripple? Interesting choice..
  15. Damn we need to talk. I want to get into cryptocurrency just havent felt like doing all the research I would require.

    I have had coinbase app for quite some time, it shows the price of bitcoin and ethereum. I believe cryptocurrencies have a promising future, perhaps moreso the blockchain technology itself.

    • Like Like x 1
  16. DM me We can definitely talk

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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