Enjoying Cannabis and Philosophical ideals

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Peace Love Weed, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. In my opinion, the most enjoyable thing to do is to simply smoke some weed, and then think about all of the aspects of our existence/being. It is something that i always on my mind. LAst night, after a nice sesh with some friends, i looked at the sky and saw billion of stars. t mad me think that we are made of the same stuff as those beautiful stars, millions of lightyears away. We were created from the big bang. just like the stars, and we are made of carbon. We are just advanced monkeys on a rock flying through space. But unlike a tar, which is inanimate, not only do we have life, but we have souls. To me this is the ultimate question, Not how humans in general were created, but how we all have souls. How could nature have created a soul? i might just be really baked, but i am very fascinated with ideas such a this. Anyone else have a fascination with a certain aspect of our existence?
  2. I like doing that too, that's why I don't really enjoy having to talk while stoned. I talk only if I feel like it, and I mostly like to think about stuff like that. Just the other day, I was thinking about how amazing is the process of growing and constantly changing, in people, of course. Tastes, views on life and stuff..
  3. #3 nolastnamex, Jul 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2012
    nature didnt create a soul, because souls don't exist, consciousness exists. Consciousness is the fundamental reality.
  4. I think there's a fair chance that we are a universe within a conglomeration of universes. This conglomeration could form a mere speck of dust on a habitable planet within another universe. The scale goes on...
  5. What is a 'soul'?
  6. All we can say for certain is that we perceive things through the senses. Where did you get the idea that we definitely have a soul?
  7. I really enjoy smoking a bowl than pondering to myself the mystery of the universe, has anyone else felt the aura of happiness while thinking about how small the chance of you even existing is? How lucky we are to have intelligence, even though the world is so corrupt, I'm still happy I'm a part of it.

  8. No but this one time my back was cracking with like waves of pleasure man while stoned.

    I like to think that somewhere it isn't all the same on some far away star and maybe their laws/sciences are vastly different

  9. That would be cool. But will we ever know? How weird is it that no matter where you go in the universe, 1 + 1 will always = 2

  10. ^^.......
  11. based on our experience on earth. our mathematics system could be vastly inferior to one of an alien species if one exists.

    i was having a stoned conversation with my friend who smart as shit and he was telling me about some flaws with our current system (never ending numbers such as pi) and some other stuff i forgot because i was stoned.

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