energy shortage??

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by OffKorse, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. i was wondering...

    (deep breath, roll spliff, light it ok...hehe)

    if the material world that we sense and experience on a day to day basis, is constructed from atoms (generally agreed), and atoms are made of....

    well they're about 99.99... % empty except for some vibrating packets of energy!!! Futhermore the constituents of these atoms, the vibrating packets (that form the nucleus and orbiting electron/s and all known matter) are popping in and out of existence billions of times a second
    so... material reality is (atom by atom) "there" and then "not there" really really fast creating the effect of a smooth and continuous reality =time (a bit like how a series of stills go together to make a movie).

    But... the movie is an illusion.. remember?? they are Stills!! in the same way material reality is also an illusion.. remember the empty atoms?!!!! pause.... relight spliff!!!

    so all there really is, is energy!! energy that pops in and out of existence.. creating the "effect of" stars, planets, processes, trees, weeds:hello:oceans, animals and humans and all the rest.... but what about thoughts? a brain is made of.. well it would appear to be mostly fat.. huh yes thats right fat!! but a thought is not a material thing (you cannot remove one physically from the brain!! so what is it? hmm energy again!! in the form of minute electrical impulses travelling along neural pathways within the fat (which is also energy). hehe .

    i better roll another joint to ponder this energy crisis a little futher....:smoking:
  2. so... according to science ( a currently very popular tho very misunderstood belief system, hehe), all there is, is energy. Energy which manifest everything else... Energy that manifest the whole universe.. Energy that can be accessed by me.. with my brain in a non material way.. hehe... shit and this is science.. or is it the same as religion... No it is just energy............ haha:eek:
  3. What I want to know is...Where does the energy go when it's not there? What percentage of time is it there compared to when it's not there?:confused:
  4. yeah, except there is no energy crisis. no energy shortage.

    all just an ilusion within an ilusion.

    if everything can be reduced perceptually to just "energy" (or "thought"), then there's not likely to be a shortage, ever, then is there?

    ....t'would be nice to roll one to let my mind explore this and it's implications further. hehe.
  5. of course :)!!

    and i was being sneaky in way equating energy with god - that from which everything is manifest.. just showing how science, and other belief systems seems to come to many of the same conclusions.. just try switching the word energy for god in above post... sounds familiar heh

    after all, all these sytems are really just a way of us trying to make sense or our incomprehensible world/ reality...

    remarkable tho that many of these ideas, confirmed to us by the new sciences (quantum mechanics / cosmology, particle physics etc..) have been around for thousands of years..

    its because embedded in that "energy" is "information" and as noted above, we have the means to tap into that energy.. (or connect with god.. or rather be at One with God).....

    not by thinking with our brains... but by not!! not by bringing our egos, past experiences or anything else bound in time (illusion- see above) but by experiencing without thought, no psychological movement at all.. (achievable through meditation).. then you can experience reality directly. there is no I, there only Is....

    reality, the universe, god, you, me is all One.... the ending of seperation...

  6. :) i remember talking to a wiccan in 2001(ish) with much excited joyful praise of how we were living in the age where all religion, spirituality, science, etc, were coming together, and that this was an en-mass, exoteric experience for everyone. indeed, it's true, if you follow it through, loosely, or rigidly through all conclusions, you will come to the same inevitable unity of all.

    Taoist, Catholic, Buddhist, Protistant, Shivite, Pagan, Vishnite, Wiccan, Unitarian, Scientologist, Jew, Bon Po, Jain, Athiest, Shinto, Agnostic, Morman, Quetzacotl worshipper, Rastafarian, Raelian, Physicist, Chemist, banker baker, soldier sailer, spiders and flies, cows and cats, etc etc etc etc all as one. and so, once this level of understanding is achieved, it's only the masochists who like to self harm that we need be concerned about. :Dheehee.

    Do no Harm.




  7. did you know that the moon appears as exactly the same size in the sky as the sun...? i mean exactly!!! as the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon and 400 time further away!!

    but only now in this age!! as the universe is dynamic, things are moving about and they wont appear to be the same size in another age!!!

    also, we all know how the suns position in the sky effects life here, seasons hibernations migrations, growing outdoors etc etc but the moon also dictates many other sytems for example, syncronised egg laying by turtles, and other fertility related things, the most amazing thing is that
    the moon has a cycle of 29.5 days, and women, when at they're most fertile have a 29.5 day cycle and even more amazing, these cycles tend to syncronize, as do women who live together!!

    wow nature just blows my mind man.........

  8. I'm not sure I understand what you're thinking, but the laws of physics say "energy can not be created nor destroyed."

    So... It's just always moving 'round, in storage or whatever. I don't know.
  9. according to newtownian or classical physics, energy or matter is only converted from one form to another... however we know classical physics to be wrong!!... hehe rather... classical or indeeed quantum physics is only an approximation to the truth..

    Digit.. like the link you provided, very interesting documentary...:)

    hehe Chipcago, "moving around in storage" (tho interesting and would like to go into that more later)

    more later.. gotta go out...

    love you all!!!

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