End of the World

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bowl clearer, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. December 21st... 2012. We'll see.

    Global Warming is real shit son
  2. Everyone but myself thats posted on this topic seems to have a negative attitude towards the world.
  3. Yeah I do beieve the world will end but not in 2011 but this year in 2007 come on peopel theres so many signs. First the war between Iraq and the U.S there now saying that it is a civil war keyword war. Then the past two days everytime I log onto Aol I see another attack on Humans from Sea mammals first a Sea Lion and then a killer whale attacks his trainer. Now the whole 666 thing and the Omen coming out the same day then Mel Gibson coming out with another movie named Apocalypto and the Nativity Story on the same month coincidence I think not. And last but ot least the numbers I see you guys talkin about this whole 7 year of destruction thing allright thats cool, but if you count the numbers of months that have passed since June yes 7 then the whole the world is ending in 2000 and how many years its been yes 7 years now we need one more 7 I think the world is gonna end Jan 7 2007. Now thats alot of fuckin facts/signs right there take it how you take it
  4. I agree.

    Most people overlook the fact that global warming is a theory.


    Most of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide has occurred during the past 50 years, and the increase has continued during the past 20 years. Yet there has been no significant increase in atmospheric temperature during those 50 years, and during the 20 years with the highest carbon dioxide levels, temperatures have decreased.

    I love it when people jump on the bandwagon for global warming, without realizing that it's a hypothesis
  5. Yeah, a theory that has yet to be scientifically disputed. I made up another theory too, the theory that I am typing to you. One day I hope to prove it... Wish me luck all.
  6. hypothesis, not fact

    you can give me all the information you want to to attempt to prove global warming, just as i can give you my information to disprove it. At the end of the day, both are theories

    edit: yet to be scientifically disputed? are you joking? I can give you links to scientific studies and scholarly articles if you want... you can disagree with me, but don't tell me that it has "yet to be scientifically disputed"
  7. I would like those links.
  8. I'm not saying that the world doesn't go through periods of warming and cooling. I'm not even saying that isn't happening now. However, we are accelerating natural processes, and that is just right now. As we pump more and more shit into the air, things will slowly get worse. Until the nice natural progression of our world, it altered drastically, by us and probably not for our benefit.

    The hole in the ozone gets bigger, coral reefs bleach, we slowly kill ourselves, and junk science attempts to disprove the facts of Global Warming. Point me to scientific journals please.
  9. http://stephenschneider.stanford.edu/Publications/PDF_Papers/RobinsonAndRobinson.pdf

    edit: I guess i should clarify my position. What I'm saying is that scientists have yet to show me definitive proof that global warming exists. I'm a natural skeptic at heart.

    Hear me out:

    Only within the last 30 years or so have we been able to collect scientific data using advanced satellite imagery and such which is vital to the study of global warming. Yet, I believe the study of a climate and warming trends must extend over a longer period of time. I simply do not believe that we have enough data to quantify a definitive statement that says "yes, global warming exists". Hence the reason again...global warming is a hypothesis
  10. Question #1. Where is the science? Global Warming is sumed up in 3 and a half pages, including one graph?

    Actually I only had one question.

    Global Warming was a somewhat unpopular "theory" for a very long time. It's not like it was proposed in 1997 and gained wide spread support. It was the underdog for a long time indeed. Now it seems that the Global Warming detractors are getting kicked to the curb and bitting back with "it is so hard for an unpopular theory to get heard, we're right because of that." I of course could be wrong, but I'm not going to believe so yet.
  11. yeah, i know it's not the greatest study in the world. I readily acknowledge that. I'm unwilling to pay 39.99 for access to journals that have a bit more for you, i'm sorry.

    I respect your opinion liquid, my contention is still that there needs to be more work and studies done on this. I may be wrong as well on my position, only time will truly tell i suppose
  12. I agree we need to do more study in most, if not all, areas. I also believe we should stop using our planet in such a foolish way. Even if Global Warming turned out to be false (something I doubt :)) look at what we're doing? It's time we start using the resources that are given to us freely (Solar, wind, etc...) and stop raping the planet. Heck, grow some hemp and make some gas out of that. At least it would give farmers a job, and believe me, there would need to be many farmers. I'm creating jobs already and I'm not even in power yet! Woohoo. :p

    EDIT: Didn't want to double post.

    Carbon Dioxide levels in core samples from Antarctica show that they are higher now than have been in the past 600,000 years (Inconvenient Truth, Others). That alone should be alarming. That is with all the trees too, they aren't sucking up that much of it, so it's going to keep increasing and increasing and increasing. And what will happen? L.A. Has Smog clouds over it, so do many other cities. There are even smog warnings. Image how it was 10 years ago, then 20. Now think of it in another 10 years, another 20... What do you think it will be like?
  13. something we can agree on bro. As it stands now, we're so dependant on oil that when it runs out (and it will) we will be royally fucked if more research funds are not given towards alternative energy sources. I suspect though, that we will simply pass our problems on to the next generation, which is truly sad
  14. Indeed. And there is so much free energy on this planet it is crazy to think we're burning corpses in order to power our world. Waves crashing on a beach generate energy, the trick is simply figuring out how to harness it, and then making it efficient. Solar Panels are better now than they were 10 years ago, if real money was spent improving them I am quite sure they'd be better still.

    I guess all societies are built upon the bones of those who came before... We've just "evolved" to the point where the "bones" can help you play some PS2.
  15. I believe global warming is real. We have been pumping carbon dioxide and other chemicals into the atmosphere for a while now. All these gasses have no where to go except for accumulate in our atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses are finally starting to have an affect on our environment. Key word there is "starting". Personally, I believe global warming has reached, or is very near the point of no return. Human kind continues to drive around fossil fuel burning automoblies. Not to mention the power plants. Forest fires also create alot of CO2, not to mention destroying the trees that are here to absorb carbon dioxide. Global warming leads to hotter weather and longer droughts(sp?). This provides better fuel for forest fires, which we saw in 2006. I believe we had a record forest fire season, cannot prove that at the moment though. Also the past 10 or so year have been getting warmer and warmer. Global warming is pretty evident to me.

    Some may say this climate change is natural, and they may be partially right. The earth DOES have natural cycles of climate change, but this is different. If there was a parrallel universe exactly the same as our universe, but there were no humans on Earth, I seriously doubt we would see the same climate. Global warming is real folks. Open your minds, do some more research.

    The reason I believe we are going to experience runaway global warming in the future is because of feedback loops. The forest fires I mentioned earlier could be called a feedback loop because as they burn they release CO2, which aids in heating the earth. This will just continue, it will get warmer and warmer, and more land will burn and release more gasses. Another feedback loop is melting permafrost. There are methane pockets frozen in permafrost. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. As the permafrost melts, the methane gets released into the atmosphere and there is nothing we can do about it. There is one more feedback loop that I am aware of. That is the melting ice on our poles. Ice is white, so it reflects sunlight back into space, but as the ice melts the blue ocean takes its place. Since the water is a dark color, it absorbs the sunlight and heats the water. This warmer water helps melt the ice even more, until there is no more ice to melt. If ice that is over water melts it will have no impact on sea levels, because ice displaces the same volume as water. But as the land ice melts, we will see sea levels starting to rise. Accompany this melting land ice with Thermal expansion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_expansion) and we could see whole coastal cities underwater. If this happens, millions of people will be displaced with no where to go.... economic nightmare.

    will post more later/../
    This is one of my favorite things to talk about. Im not frightened by it, everyone has got to die may as well be there to watch the show.

    People have been proclaiming the end is nigh for centuries, and i wouldnt put to much stock in the bible. I think civilizations, roman through present, have distorted the message to make their people conform to their laws, regulations, etc.

    What better way to prevent someone from doing something than by telling them the consequence is eternal damnation. Dont get me wrong the bible and christian faith teach a lot of positive moral concepts and can help people in need, but i prefer to follow my own morals and worship my own god.

    The average temperature on earth has been steadily increasing since the last ice age. Not to say global warming doesnt exist or we shouldnt be kinder to mother earth. My money is on hydrogen fuel cells as the way of the future. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, its more efficient than fossil fuel and the only waste is pure water.

    sorry i talk alot on adderall
  17. yes and it would pay to get your own boats...don't leave it up to the navy...


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