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Empty or full stomach for Dragon tincture?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ghostembodied, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. It's well known that a process called first-pass metabolism makes edibles much more potent when taken with food and so a weed brownie for dessert after a big meal will pack a lot more punch than the same brownie eaten on an empty stomach. However, I've found a lot of threads where people have said to take tinctures on an empty stomach. Does this process work differently for tinctures vs edibles or are these people simply mistaken? I could see the alcohol possibly carrying the cannabinoids through the tissue and into the blood stream, thus by-passing the liver, but that's just a semi-educated guess.
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  2. I've not noticed any real difference in Tincture affecting me full or empty belly. Most of the tincture is absorbed in the oral tissues and is like smoking to me. Fast ramp up and short duration.

    Edible oil is a horse of a different color and a large meal when dosed on oil can very quickly turn into all to much high. Laying down flat usually make the symptoms ease or vanish altogether.
    It's taken me a while to figure that out as it only seems to happen when I really over indulge on food like Thanksgiving when I go back for a second or third plate of chow.

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  3. I like to put my Dragon tincture in a cup of coffee. It comes on fast. Either fasting or not, doesn't make a difference to me..
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  4. Good to know. Thanks! The only time I've ever been uncomfortably high was from eating a couple potent brownies after a big meal. I didn't know about the first pass effect at the time, it was my first time with edibles, and mistakenly assumed my large meal would diminish the effects. I soon found differently lol
    • Agree Agree x 1

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