Employer and medical marijuana card

Discussion in 'General' started by dannyjkray, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Im new to this site and have a quick question. i live in michigan and i am a registered medical marijuana card holder. i start a new job with a union at the end of this year and i was wondering if there is any way they can find out that i am a card holder. i know doctor to patient information is confidential, but since i am registered with the state is there any way they can find that out? thanks for any help.
  2. Anyone have any info?
  3. more importantly....do they have the right to not hire someone because theyre prescribed medication???? if so that's fucked up, fuck the system.
  4. #4 Dude Man Bro, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2013
    No, they should not be able to see that info.

    "The HIPAA Privacy Rule regulates the use and disclosure of certain information held by health insurers, and medical service providers. It establishes regulations for the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). PHI is any information which concerns health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be linked to an individual. This is interpreted rather broadly and includes any part of an individual's medical record or payment history."
  5. Most employers in MMJ states do not allow for medical marijuana. Meaning if you get drug tested and show up positive, whether you have your card or not, they can fire you or decide not to hire
  6. If you get a drug test, you'll be fired. None of thrm employers I've had in Michigan give a damn abouy my MMJ card.
  7. "The state ID card system has safeguards to protect patient privacy. Patient names and addresses are not kept in the state's data base: the only information retained is a personal photo and ID number. The privacy of medical records is protected by federal HIPPA laws. However, if you're drug tested, a medical marijuana recommendation won't protect you''
  8. Yeah I'm going clean for the drug test so no worries there. I just thought they could maybe find out I have a card and they would for sure not give me the job. Its fucked up.
  9. do they do the same for people prescribed pharmaceuticals? probably not...which is bullshit.
  10. Well as long as they can't find out I'm not too worried about it. I read somewhere that employers could check if you have a card or not but I thought that would be invasion of private information.

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