Egyptians Created the After-Life

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TreeofKnowledge, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. I, Bryan D. Hamlin, am intending this to be a short peice at the moment just for an article as to get my claim out to people simply so I get a feel as to what people think of my claims. Also because my work is continual. I have come to gain a belief about our ancient brothers and sisters from the Nile. I believe the egyptain people built for everyone the realm of the After-Life, not did they just endulge upon this original thought but also formed this idea into a widely known concept and an overall belief among the people of the land some 5,000 years ago and then some.Egyptians are the ones who were first to use sarcauphagus's and mummies to bury the dead as well as design orinate objects, hieroglyphs, and hieroglyphics specifically for conveying knowledge of ideas thoughts and concepts believed and taught to be the way into the afterlife. These people used every possible inscribtion, picture, statue, artwork, story and prayer need to set forth the final motions for the after life to become an imbedded option available for belief, from the lands of god himself. All I intend to do in this article is give sufficent claims to back my current claim and all my ideas are from researched and studyed information, and is not by any means chancey or illcredited and this is just a claim being as that I am convinced and have seen no one else stand up and say it. If I use an idea out of the blue I may not try to defend where I got it from as this would cause long off track conversations and would like to save those for another time if you feel I am talking with no solid backing use the internet and reasearch my claims. I have recently found out that everything in this universe vibrates, yes like a sound frequency we and everything arounds us is in a constant vibration in it's individual frequency for example an apple, a dog, a flower, a brick, a glass, water, cotton, limestone, people(vibrate at roughly 570 trillion Hz that's 570 trillion times a second), everything has it own tone, overtone, or undertone to it that it puts off. sound vibration has come along way because this has been jumped up to the front of my attention as the source of all lifes energy which has set life into motion. Resonance is fundamentaly amazing because this is who your world is built before you in a sense. Given that each object, item, picture, letter, number, word, feeling, or even a thought has it's own vibration you start to think about just how many different vibrations there are and how many your sending off when it's broken up. Colors, writing, logos, shapes, patterns, kinds of fabric, types of liquids, metals, woods, pictures, scultures, video games, magazines, movies, cell phones, cars, hats, planets, stars , galaxies, snowflakes. pieces of cereal, pennies-nickels-dimes-quarters and people just to name a couple. Now take note that the human eyes have over 44 billion bits of information flying infront of them at all times yet are only capable of observing around 2,000 of those 44 billion. That leaves a large untouched portion of reality. This is belived to do a great deal with resonance. Only frequencies that are on the same vibration can interact and share there energy,life, and experience with one another in strick accordance to the rules involving that any and all frequencies have to either be in a doubbling pattern such as two-fold, four-fold, eight-fold, sixteen-fold ECT. frequencies can also resonate with each other when frequencies are reduced as well such as one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth, one-sixteenth ECT. With the function of resonation it gives you an idea of just how we have so many things in our world. This is the cause for the basic flow of energy throughout the cosmos and is orcistrated by none other than god. This basic law of constant vibration along with another new concept is the law of attraction which involves the power of the mind and the fact that what you think of with your powerful mind's eye is drawn to you, as if your thoughts are magnetic rings of wi-fi spining out of your head pulling toward you what ever it is you have set your concious thoughts on and for the most part are manifested based on the duration of the thoughts, the intricacies of the ideas and the determining factor is the repatition of that thought,like how often a thought or idea is triggerred by a picture, word, sound, person, scenery, motion or other thoughts. This is widely known as manifesting today and is a skill which can be improved upon with practice and devotion to the sense of truth that is shown to everyone of us at every moment by the true source of light and understanding. so with that said I I want to point out the age and time of the egyptians, they had a vastly different culture and know how then we as people do today back some 5,ooo years ago when the work on there temples began. I believe that there reasoning for building there temples with such craftsmanship and placeing them on mathmatical geographical locations read from the stars (which in there time were the heavens) and stories scribed in perfection, hieroglyphs and hieroglyphics sealing the thoughts and beliefes of the pharohs (who are said to have had one foot in the world of the living and the other foot in the world of the supreme god) carved in stone, built into temples and worshiped as law to the soul. With all taken into account when the people of egypt lived they didn't have much to distract them other then work, people, and buildings/temples. While they worked they worked on temples and scultures and scriptures of these gods and beliefs for thousands of years. look at the number of egypytian artifacts and remains there still are this expansion was due to the lack of available options of variety in the enviorment for creative stimulants thus making the law of attraction work with ease. If all you see is egyptian people, art, scultures, writing, gods, temples and religion your mind is forced into creating more of the same. remember the vibrations, these people were surrounded by the belief of the after life. all of there civilization worked toward the building of artifacts to further carry on there existance of the After-Life. With all the symbology, the repatition, the duration, and the mastered intracacies of how the afterlife worked with the logic and reasoning behind there spirituality they were at least successful in creating and leaving open for all the realm of the After-Life. This vibration is still spread today with a new twist of light, the bible. It borrows this idea of there being a life after death yet it talks of you only getting this one life followed by either eternal hell or everlasting heaven. I like the egyptians way of thinking better. I interpret it like so You live the life you've been given and enevitably die being sent to the after life where you are by the powers of god given life after death where by then living again you must die which leads back to the gates of the After-Life. A continuous cycle with no end that I feel is a general representation for all energy that is pure such as your soul or sunlight, not our conciouness, our conciouness is nothing more than a representation of the ever growing ever changing universe that we live in while at the same time think it up. answer these one by one. (what state are you in? what country is that in? where is it located, on earth? and where is earth located? and where are the galaxies located? and what about the universes? Thats right it's an idea in your head, just an imagination. So what do you think did the egyptians really brainstorm the After-Life into exisstance? Email me with any responses please and I'll awnser them as I have the time and ability to.
  2. Sorry, wall of text. Perhaps divide it into paragraphs.
  3. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Paragraphs please i'd like to read it
  4. tl;dr

    Sorry. :rolleyes:
  5. Modern religion is based on the Pagan religion. Many Pagan symbols are used in Christianity and Judaism. The concepts taught in Islam, Judaism and Christianity are nothing new. Every religion has two things in common, the same basic concept and they are fallacies.

    oh and I wouldn't give your real name out
  6. that was awesome man, i believe in the same theory truthfully you live go to the afterlife and then born again thru a different process/time
  7. Bryan, when i opened the firefox page with this thread, your post made me jump up and stare at the computer screen in amazement! hats off to the people who read that:p
  8. #9 pavlakos, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2009
    man that was a great read.
    as great a read as it was though, you didnt really conclude in any way that the egyptians created the afterlife. aside from the fact that you dont know if weather or not the egyptian afterlife(or rather the place or location in the universe/cosmos/multiverse where their alledged afterlife took place) was a tangible thing, or an imaginative concept and good way of telling yourself theres something else after this life.
    and while i really do like and agree with what you said(not the egyptians making the afterlife part), its more or less an article voicing your opinion on spiritual concepts with a sci fi twist.

    also, im hardpressed to believe that the egyptians were first to birth the concept of afterlife, even if as a culture they were very death/afterlife oriented, and worshipped the idea with gold and alabaster(that we know of). it doesnt mean they created the afterlife.

    on second thought, im not hardpressed to believe that the egyptians created the concept of the afterlife, its rediculous, and could not be proved because its not true, internet or not.

    the minoans most certainly had beliefs about the afterlife, and a very obvious one should come to mind. and they happened about 5 thousand years before first dynasty egypt: sumeria. duh.

    im still in agreement with the whole bit about vibrations and all though.
  9. As Sam said, not actually feasible. I know where you're coming from, but there are far older civilisations than the Egyptians, and we have grave goods (thus indicating a need for them in the after-life) from burials going back to 40, 000 BC and possibly before. The Egyptians were late-comers TBH.

    You also mention their use of written language as a means to describe the after-life, but the Sumerians did this long before them.

  10. Not quite:)

    Minoan culture - about 2700BC
    Egyptian culture - about 3100BC
    Sumerian culture - about 5300BC (they invented writing, cuneiform, about 3500BC)
    Catal Hoyuk (Turkey) - about 11,000BC

    Just as a matter of interest, although many religious and mythological ideas about gods and religion came to us via Sumer, they didn't believe in a heavenly after-life, but eternity in a grim under-world.

  11. a grim underworld you say? are you certain it wasnt similar to the greeks hades, with different sections depending on the person?

    the egyptian afterlife isnt very heavenly either in that case.

    and also apologies for the slightly misinformative previous post.
  12. #13 MelT, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2009

    No worries, easily done:) The Sumerian idea of an after-life was neither a heaven nor hell and not divided up into realms.

    The Greeks Hades was originally very like the Sumerian idea, but developed later into a place where people were judged for their actions in life.

    The Egyptians believed that their after-life (with a bit of luck) was a place of rest, peace and plentiful food in a heavenly abode- although:

    "..It is quite evident that the (Egyptian) people believed that death was fate knowing that many of the Egyptians spent much of their time searching for eternal life. They realized that fate would make them face death, and they wanted to be fully prepared when the time came. Finally, within “The Negative Confession”, it becomes evident to the reader what traits are important to have upon approaching death.

    The Egyptians believed that they had to be free of sin in order to enter the afterlife, and to live eternally. Within the text, it states that “…I have not caused pain, I have not caused tears, I have not killed, I have not made anyone suffer…” (Andrea, A.; Overfield, J.H., 1998, p.21) These are just a few examples of some of the beliefs that the Egyptians had. This differs slightly from the examples given within The Epic of Gilgamesh. When Gilgamesh approaches Utnapishtim, he asks how he can be a god and attain immortality. He is presented a chance of immortality by completing two tasks while on earth, and fails. The Sumerians believed they could defeat death if they proved themselves while living, rather than being faithful throughout their life.

    This is a very descriptive example of the differences between the Sumerian and Egyptians beliefs of the afterlife. Even though the ancient civilization of Egypt and Sumer occurred almost at the same time, their views on how a person should live their life and how they got to the afterlife differed greatly. This had a lot to do with the geographic area where the cultures were based in. Egyptians, being relatively protected from attacks, had lives that looked toward the future and planned extensively for death and burial, while Sumerians were constantly under attack and had to live life as if this was their last day on earth. (Bulliet, R.; Crossley, P.; Headrick, D.; Hirsch, S.; Johnson, L.; Northrup, D., 1997, p.32, 45) Their burials were relatively uncomplicated and the passage onto the afterlife depended on the deeds completed during life..."

  13. #14 Cameron8679, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009

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