Ego Death

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Zarex, May 28, 2011.

  1. Anyone here experience it? I have a friend who has but I don't talk to him much anymore. But I just wanted to ask a few questions about how it feels, make sure I got it right when I bring it up. Plus its pretty interesting and I hope to achieve it one day
  2. Yup, what's the question?
  3. I'll ask for him.

    What is ego death? Does ego death reveal itself through feelings or perceptions? Is there any objectivity to what the ego is? Or is it just an original Freudian idea that our minds can resonate with?
  4. Its probably a very vulnerable experience with many many emotions. But I'm sure its great after
  5. #5 Zarex, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I wanted to also know how you personally felt with it. Do you feel your individuality still? How has your perspective on life changed basically?
  6. Only few can kill the Ego. Those who say they don't have an ego, have the ego of saying they don't have an ego (It's confusing, but your basically just changing your mindset, you have the ego that you are free, because you believe you've gotten rid of your ego.)
  7. I'm talkin bout ego death, associated with pyschadelics or intense meditation.
  8. Lol ego death ussually means no psycedelics at all. The purose is to elliminate all pleasure and your sense of self at the same time. Using psycholdelics is too risky, as you might enjoy it while your trying to not enjoy it. Spirituality is not fun.
  9. #9 Zarex, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016

    U sir have not had DMT/Acid/natural plants native americans shamans used
  10. I've experienced something close to ego death.

    Not being able to think a single thought, a void of conscious, to actually believe that I am nothing, if only for that short, horrible, time.
  11. "ego death" is one of those things that both spiritualists/psychedelic enthusiasts like to trump up as being this completely lasting effect from either meditation or an intense psychedelic experience

    its not. i cant even count on both hands how many times i have heard some acid head say "man, i havent even had an ego since such and such a trip." well thats bull. you cannot operate without an ego. while ego death does occur through spiritual practice and psychedelic use, it is fleeting. it happens, and then it is gone, and your ego returns, softer than it was before. but that softness doesnt last. it has to be honed

    most people who experience ego death freak out about it. this can cause lasting psychological problems. those who dont freak out about it tend to, in my experiences at least, develop even larger egos! they think that they have attained something that is unattainable for the majority of humanity, and this leads to pride. pride magnifies the ego

    it is not something that should be journeyed into lightly. if you decide to attempt to kill your ego, make sure you keep your cool during the height of the experience. and when your ego inevitably returns, try to remember what the experience was like- that experience of cosmic unity and what such a profound truth does toward correcting your desires. ego death should cause the desire to give of yourself selflessly to soar, and the desire to receive selfishly should become much less prominent
  12. #12 untamedlion33, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Yes but if you can't do it sober there's no way psychedlics will help you. Sorr if you don't wanna hear it but that sounds like an ego enclosure yo have.
  13. Sounds like you have quite the ego to call someone else wrong and you right.

    Just because one cannot attain it sober, does not mean, with the help of psychedelics, they cannot attain it
  14. #14 untamedlion33, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No just in all my time meditating and studying meditation I have never seen any benifit coming from those using psychodelics. In fact everyone I've met that uses psychodelics for things like this has always shown me a great deal of an ego, or a bunch of random non sense that only makes sense to them. Psychodelics in my exerience jus don't have any merret. And the only people that use them only call it meditation for spiritual growth so people don't think there a drug addict hippy.
  15. ego death is interesting because for a moment it's a new perspective, free of any associations or definitions and when you return to everyday consciousness and the concept of your identity starts to return and all the associations that go along with being a person begin flooding back into you, there is an opportunity to free yourself from aspects of your identity that might not be beneficial.
  16. To sum this up: I've never done psychedelics, but I'll say they are useless anyways.
  17. #17 Zarex, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Naw I got 4 friends who'd disagree, as I said I have a friend who has experienced it but we dnt talk much of anymore and all he talked bout was the peace, connection to existence basically. I use acid every now and then, usually 2 to 5 month breaks in between. I guess I'm some drug addict hippy.
  18. psychedelics have been shown time and time again to produce the same brain activity as meditation and other "soberly attained" altered states of consciousness/ecstatic states

    sober spiritual work and psychedelically fueled spiritual work are two sides of the very same coin, 2 different roads that converge in the very same place. both paths can either cause psychosis or spiritual freedom. they can also cause nothing but temporary peace of mind and fun
  19. Couldn't agree more.
  20. #20 Zarex, May 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Yea I agree with that, I didn't know bout that the same mental activity. I hate when ppl {untamed} say that their useless, they are people who haven't used them and base their experiences off addicts who don't understand these drugs enough to use them carefully.

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