Effect of Cannabis on Bipolar Depression

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by dpk2313, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    Not sure if its fact or fiction but I thought it was interesting
  2. Yea it seems like its pictures of aging put in reverse.
  3. I wouldn't doubt it man. The thing that the patients would have to worry about is how they control themselves when no marijuana is available. Lets say you smoke marijuana to get over depression, when you're not baked, and marijuana isn't available, will you be more depressed/suicidal than before?

    Cool idea though.
  4. Thats a valid point but if the patient grew they would never be out as long as they planned harvest time accordingly
  5. There is a lot of information about this subject. Many doctors say cannabis can be a good medicine for treating bi polar disorder.
    I do have a friend and he is bi polar and he says cannabis helps him a lot.
  6. it helps me alot i have the exact same disorder, i havnt gotten it confirmed but im so sure i have it. being stoned helps alot.

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