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Eating in the morning.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Facetorch, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. I hate it. I work commercial construction and HAVE to have food in me early. I almost always have to force myself to eat so I have energy for the next couple hours.

    I've been on the notion that you have to eat 5-6 small meals a day, which is fine. Its just that first meal at 7 a.m. that gets me.

    Like today, a bowl of cereal, and a protein shake (both with almond milk) and a banana was like trying to eat rocks!

    Anybody else hate it as much as me?
  2. I have to eat 1500 calories in 2 hours most mornings. Then 3 hours later, after school, I have to eat another 1700 calories in 2 hours. Because the job I have doesn't allow me to eat while I'm working I need to take in all my calories for the day before I go in.

    I do agree though, the first couple meals aren't for tasting.
  3. You don't need to eat breakfast.

    If you follow the warrior diet, like me, you don't eat until after you're done working out for the day.

    Breakfast used to be my favorite meal of the day, my past emails were milk_and_cereal@****.com and cerealforeal@****.com and I've had numerous aliases on other forums that reflected my love for breakfast cereal.

    Then thanks to the great people of GC, they introduced me to the warrior diet philosophy. I stopped eating breakfast, and it has been by far the greatest dietary change in my life. It takes a few weeks to get used to it (if you currently eat breakfast everyday), but it's so worth it. I have so much more energy during my workouts, and I feel happy knowing that this lifestyle is going to raise my life expectancy.

    Digesting food consumes more calories than any other bodily function. It's proven that people with faster metabolisms have a short life expectancy, because it drains so many resources from the body. It's proven that calorie-restriction diets increase life expectancy.

    Skip 'the most important meal of the day' for better health.
  4. "If you follow the warrior diet, like me, you don't eat until after you're done working out for the day."

    -so you don't eat anything until dinner time? My whole day is one constant workout, idk if this would work, but I'll do some research, thanks!
  5. ya, same problem with me. but i dont have to wake up and eat at 7am, more like 11 am. try and hard boil a couple of eggs the night before. when you wake up just put them in youre pocket until you get hungry. also you can put some almonds in youre pocket too and eat them when youre ready.
  6. i tried this today. it makes sense becauce the body uses more nutrients after a workout
  7. I NEVER ate breakfast ever since i was little and I used to run track meets in the morning without eating anything. Today I try to eat breakfast but still just can't keep it down, my gag reflex ison full alert early in the morning and it won't let me put down food. If I do manage to eat I have to shit as soon as I get to class/work and I hate that ecause I end up missing the first hour :(
  8. Same with me lmao. I went to the gym today for the first time in a long time and i couldnt even do the elliptical for like 5 minutes lol
  9. Around high school I stopped eating breakfast because I was just never hungry that early in the morning and wasn't gonna force feed myself. The last year or so I started eating breakfast every day again, just because I work out most days and need the energy. Plus I'm used to it now, I can feel it when I do skip breakfast, I'm hungry so fast when that happens.
  10. Oats
    Whey shake
    Green tea

    That's a 'warrior' daily morning meal
  11. I don't see how this works or even makes sense. Digesting more quickly won't produce more oxidants which are the cause of aging. I mean, you still digest all the food right? In fact, a low calorie diet can have detrimental effects in a lot of different areas.

    "I've never seen anyone improve their health by starving themselves of food. Whether your typical centenarian has a "low metabolism" or not is irrelevant, because starving yourself is not likely to take you to a healthy physical state. Rather, it will increase your cortisol levels, increase fat storage enzymes, dissolve lean muscle, increase insulin resistance, compromise immune function, and increase appetite."

    You seem to be easily convinced of trying new things. I personally don't see the appeal in this 'warrior' stuff. Enjoy yourself, enjoy what you eat and have a high-nutrient diet full of whole foods in order to get more antioxidants to negate any potential effects that is put forward by this radical exercise regime.
  12. Never ate breakfast since middle school, I was always in a hurry and never bothered and now it's hard for me to eat in the morning. my nerves are always acting weird so I dry heave a lot

  13. I'm no fan of the warrior diet but intermittent fasting has done wonders for my goals.
  14. Well that's great if it has worked, I was just offering the alternative to OP :eek:
  15. Thanks for the info but I wasn't overweight to begin with and shredded fat (barely lost weight but got stronger, definitely seeing more definition), I have a lot more energy throughout the day, and I control my appetite sooooooo much easier than before. Before the warrior diet, I would get hungry every three hours. Now I can go a whole day without eating (not that I have). I only eat because I know I have to. I control my appetite and how much I eat. My 'hungry sensors' don't control my brain anymore.

    And it's funny how IR studies have proven to increase lifespan of living beings by 40-50%, and the fact that people with high metabolisms have a lower life expectancy. It might be a coincidence, but I'm going to guess and say that it's correlation or at the very least association.

    So despite what keys you pressed down on your keyboard to type that font in bold, I'm going to trust my experience over your congregation of letters and words. But nonetheless thanks for your voice on the topic. Food for thought never hurts.
  16. ^^ blah blah blah where's your always ignored answer to a 3500-4000 calorie diet with only 100g of protein please

    You Weigh in at 115? Lol
  17. #17 NaKz, Dec 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2011
    I was replying mostly to your I can pull a number of public medical journal studies that show how short periods of fasting do not increase cortisol, lower metabolism, preserve lean muscle mass, promote a healthy insulin response, and do noes not compromise the immune system or anything of the sort. Long periods of fasting...3 days or more...are when you start seeing negative side effects like that.
  18. #18 Sovereign Psyche, Dec 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2011
    Intermittent fasting is only good for losing weight though, not gaining muscle mass.

    You can gain strength while not gaining muscle mass, but this is primarily due to your nervous system (including your brain) and it has a limit. If you wanted to continue gaining strength past that limit, you would need to build more muscle by bulking; you can still do this by eating one meal a day, as long as that meal is 500 calories over your maintenance, but this would not be considered fasting anymore.

    This would also be very hard to do; you would need to train your stomach to stretch to that size. 3000 calories is about 6 big macs (and that's high calorie per weight food; imagine something not so greasy). It is much easier to just spread those calories out to three meals a day.
  19. I've gained lean muscle while lowering/maintaining my body fat percentage while on the leangains IF protocol. It is not JUST good for losing weight...that's silly. You can tailor your caloric intake needs to aid in a surplus of calories on your lifting days and still gain muscle mass.

    All my lifts have gone up as well. I went from being able to only do 8 body weight chin doing 5 chin ups with 70 extra pounds attached to me in a matter of months.

    There is not just one way to intermittent fast, intermittent fasting covers a broad range of fasting techniques.

    The leangains IF protocol is 16 hours of fasting followed by an 8 hour window that you can fit your caloric needs into. Most people choose 3 big meals to fit those into.
  20. No you haven't. Your fat gain may be so low that you don't notice, or you may have days of eating less food and you lose the fat.
    Like I said: it's not fasting if you are eating over your maintenance caloric intake.

    You did just say "on your lifting days" which leads me to believe that the other days, you are abstaining from eating over your maintenance (therefore trying to lose fat). I can tell you right now that if you are lifting hard, your muscles are not done recovering in just one day. What happens in this regime is you gain a small amount of muscle (not as much as your body would like) according to how much extra you ate for that day (up to about +500 calories). Then the next day, instead of continuing to gain muscle, your body loses a small amount of fat too, making it look like you are "losing fat while gaining muscle." This is both hurting your muscle gains, and your fat loss at the same time.

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