Easiest-to-Make Homemade One-hitter ever

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by novemberfawkes, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Hey guys, I've got a decent collection of pipes and bongs so I don't really need to do the homemade thing anymore, but sometimes I still do just for fun.

    All it is is a bamboo branch that i snapped off. Then I cut both ends to make sure the hollow part wasn't blocked. Then I stuck a knife in one end and twisted it around to make a bowl. Then I blew out the dust, ran it through some water in the sink, dried it and pushed the bowl down in to some fresh-ground bud. Hit shockingly well for such quick construction. Enjoy :D

    There appears to be two of them because I'm holding it by a mirror.

  2. From the burned edges it looks like you've been smoking bamboo too, lol. Does it taste off at all?
  3. Tragically you do occasionally get a bit of bamboo taste, but only if you torch it. And what you're seeing may be a bit of resin because I used it right after I made it, then took this picture after i came inside to refill it.
  4. I'm about to make one myself...can't beat all natural!
  5. I did this with a bread stick.
  6. Thats awesome. Good work +rep.

  7. edibles wins this thread, sorry other competitors.
  8. Thats sweet man
    All natural FTW
  9. thanks for the positive feedback folks :)

  10. thats totally tits :cool:

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