Earth Like Planets. Do you think we are close to a major discovery?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by M369, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Very very interesting.
    This just might be the year to find life on other planets!
    (Wow, just imagine the chaos it would bring to this planet. Absolute calamity.)

    Maybe we are observing the planets that can be held responsible for all of the UFO sightings?
    I wouldn't doubt if the world leaders were already aware of life on a 'nearby' planet and have continued to keep it a secret from us. :confused_2:

  2. This. I'm sure once life on other planets is found out it will just be covered up because it will cause a panic especially for religous folk. Which is why space exploration shouldnt be left to government agencys but private organizations.
  3. If we can travel at light speed then I suppose we can start over.

    Hopefully we don't ruin that planet too.
  4. I agree with all of the above. However, I think it is time that something happened. There seems to be too much time and money going into the search for life for it to be covered up forever. Maybe they are trying to gently break it to us.
  5. Depends how 'close' you'd like it to be. I'd love to be able to observe the affects of such a discovery (i.e. another planet that humans could live and thrive on) on human society but to be honest I think we'll all be dead and gone before such a discovery, same with extraterrestrial life. Shame.
  6. A major discovery would require actually setting foot on a planet. Until then the nay Sayers will always cling to the argument that we don't know for sure.

    We need warp travel

  7. Or something setting foot on our planet, officially. :cool:
  8. No we can't even get high definition pictures of these planets.

    We are detecting them through gravitational wobbles and shit like that
  9. We need exploring information pods that can travel a dozen light years to scan the planets environment before we pack our bags.
  10. Maybe so.

    But is the discovery of Earth like planets shocking?

    If Earth already exists, i promise there ls hundreds of planets that resemble earth
  11. #12 CityCoast, Feb 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2013
    The shocking part is how relatively close they are to us.
    The mystery is if there is any lifeforms on these planets.
    The theory, from my stand point, is that we have already known about the existence of these planets and possibly could be communicating with them.
    The curiosity is indefinite and so are the theories.

    What if they are responsible for all of the UFO sightings? What if we were able to communicate better with these unidentified organisms? What if they were the same species as us, only with better forms of technology that allows them to take traveling in space to a whole new meaning? What if they have been trying to help us for centuries, but the world leaders have managed to keep the information withheld from publicity? What if What if What if...
    .... Sorry, now I am just rambling... ..:eek:

    What if it was just another floating planet with no signs of life? That would be a bummer.. :(
  12. Yea that would be easier =]
  13. What if all civilizations end up destroying themselves at a specific point?
    Like every time they discover wormholes they innevitably.destroy their state system before they can leave?

    Maybe that's why advanced aliens are so rare
  14. I think buy at least 2050 we should have discovered some form of ET
  15. if we find another earth like planet I don't feel it will have the resources we have. Our evolution has just works so perfectly in time that everything has worked out so far .

    I believe we are better off finding a planet with beings that are already civilized , i mean common they gotta be out there
  16. What if every planet has a unique way of evolving( highly probable)

    What if we are the only beings that show sings of violence and hostility. Everywhere else in the universe has a universal love for one and other. What if we were the only planet that has evolved through war and violence and made it this far? Maybe violence and war is a unique characteristic to planet earth. I think I went off track a little :laughing: :smoking:

  17. Stephen Hawking said something like that.
    He said maybe once a civilization discovers nuclear energy they blow themselves up before they get a chance to commuinicate with distant planets.

  18. And in the 60s they said by 1999 wede be on jupiter. :rolleyes:
  19. In the 1970's they also said by 2010 we would be in an ice age

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