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E-liquid and shit weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Junior DANK, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Hey guys!

    I have some shitty mids that taste horrible but im thinking of remedying this with some liquid from my e-cig? My thoughts are that it'd mask the taste a little and give a little nicotine buzz. Anyone ever do this?
  2. When I get crap weed, I usually chuck it all in an airtight jar with a tiny slice of lemon/orange peel (less than a fingernail, really thinly sliced too) for a week or two. The dry weed gradually absorbs some of the moisture from the peel, and takes a tiny bit of flavour with it, giving you slightly more plump nugs that have a citrus kind of zest to them.
  3. Im just smoking on this till I pick up some dank wednesday, but i'll try that next time!
  4. You'll die.

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