Dying plants :(

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by theblunt, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    Anything I can do quickly because I couldn't buy any fertilizer or anything that cured calcium deficiency.

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  2. Someone on here can help you better than I can. But how much are you watering? How often and how much? Cause I assume there's no holes on the bottom of the solo cup? Most beginners over water. But someone will hlp everyone here is Cool.

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  3. What's ur light source?

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  4. 2 48" inch t8 with 3 23 watt cfls. I water a small amount every day. Less than a cup just so soil is moist. There is holes in bottom.

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  5. Is that peat or coco? Looks like your letting it get too dry and aren't feeding enough. At this point I would be feeding 250-350ppm every other day with plain water between.
  6. Too much water, a little to much iron in your water. To fix, 1 tablespoons of water at the base of the stem everyday, and no more for the next week. After that, 1/4 of a cup of water at the base of the stem every 3 days for another week. Then 2/3 cup of water at the base of the stem once a week for the next two weeks, then you can saturate your entire medium and then only water if your medium is dry 1 1/2 below the top of your medium.
  7. Nothing happens quickly in soil. Everything should be planned out in advance, before sprout.

    I used to have your mindset. "I can fix it later"... best of luck with that.

    Use good soil from the start and you won't have problems.

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