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Dying Clones SOS

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bella.exe, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. Cut new clones about 2 days ago. This is my first try and I obviously haven’t done too good.

    First day pics vs third day pics

    Is their any way I can save these babies?

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  2. Usually once they wilted like that they didn't come back for me.
    To dry is my guess. Flood the tray with water but try and not have the clones actually sitting in it. They want to be in near 100% humidity but not actually touching water. Can mist the inside walls of the dome but not the plants.

    Try this next set.
    Leave 3 inches of stem and cover the fan with your thumb and snip off everything that sticks out.

    The tray hold the cubes up just enough that I can flood the bottom of the cloning tray with water.



    Should see roots in about 3 weeks. A few will strike in 10 days but most will be more like the 3 week point.
    Works for me and has for years.

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  3. Your rooting medium doesn't look very suitable. Getting plenty of air to the roots is very important. Have a look at this thread..... Rooting Clones The Easy Way

    It's a tutorial on making a very cheap and easy bucket cloner. I have made hundreds of clones with this cloner over the years and never lost one. It's maintenance free so you can't do anything wrong, you just fill it with nutrient solution, cut a growing shoot, place in the cloner and wait a week

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  4. I appreciate the advice! Thank you!

    I decided to put more water in the medium as well as keep a cup with water in there to help increase humidity. I really hope they live but if not then I’m gonna buy some granddaddy purple seeds and start from seeds. I just really hoped that I’d succeed with my first round of clones so that way I can learn how to clone better.
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  5. Thank you for the help!

    My medium is Fox Farm Happy Frog in 2 inch cups. I was hoping it would root a bit and then I could switch them over to larger cups but I guess not.
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  6. I'm sure it's possible to root cuts in that but you'd have to get everything so spot on. Using an aeroponic cloner makes it very easy to provide perfect rooting conditions
  7. Would this allow for me to transplant into soil afterwards or would I have to keep it in that setup?
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  8. Once rooted you can place in any medium you prefer. I usually wait until a decent amount of roots have grown. Once rooting starts they can grow over an inch per day so it doesn't take long

    They don't have to be this long but it does make the transfer over to soil much smoother. When you do move them to soil, have the soil fully saturated with water as they can wilt a little otherwise

  9. Do you just plop them right into soil or how do you do so? I haven't had any experience at handling roots let alone seeing them. I'm definitely thinking this might be the new fit for me, but I definitely have to try everything
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  10. Don't use soil at all, start them in small rockwool cubes like BrassNWood said. Make sure the cube is damp, not wet! Your clones should never have more than one node, just one node and your stem. Always cut the branch at a 45 degree angle with a razor, NOT scissors. Dip the area that was cut into rooting hormone before you plant them in the cubes. Once they root, just put the whole cube in your soil. No saving those though buddy, sorry.
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  11. I put a small amount of soil in to a plant pot, coil up the roots to fit them in, and then back fill around the roots with soil. Don't firm it in too hard because these roots will be delicate and can snap off if handled too roughly.

    If you add a rooting hormone to the nutrient solution when they're rooting you'll find the roots grow out much thicker and stronger so that might be an option if you're heavy handed haha.
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  12. I cut mine straight across with scissors, I don't use rooting hormone, razors, or rockwool, and my cuts have many pairs of nodes. I don't have any that fail to root
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  13. Sad to hear that these clones wont make it :( don't know if I should attempt to cut more clones or not, might finish this grow and then buy some granddaddy purple seeds online
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  14. I've done a ton of clones in fox farms soil. I build my own soil bow and clone in it. I've had just as much success in soil as I have cloning machines. Soil cloning is the most basic simple form of cloning their is. Though buckets are great, they're also totally unnecessary. Soil is the oldest form of cloning medium there is. I learned watching my grandmother clone tomatoes and other plants. I clone in solo cups which I believe would hold more soil therefore mor moisture so keep that in mind. I fill the cup full and thoroughly soak the medium. This is the last time I soak the medium until roots form. I mist the cup every day or 2 and either use a dome or a sandwich baggie as a dome when I run out of room.

    Just like anything it's all about getting your technique down. No matter how you do it theres going to be a learning curve until you figure it out.

    OP I would say your medium was to dry or it got to warm in your set up.
  15. Good for you.
  16. Yeah i figured it may have been a humidity issue because one of the closing tabs was a bit broken so I had to put it back on but its loose. Might end up putting a cup over that hole to further keep the condensation in.
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  17. The thing about aeroponic cloners is that you do not need a technique, you just put them in the cloner and wait a week. Soil can work but you have to maintain it correctly, that's a skill not everyone possesses. Comparing it to tomatoes doesn't work because you can just push a tomato cut in to the ground and they'll root. Cannabis doesn't root anywhere near as readily
  18. Good for everyone. It means none of those things you said are necessary
  19. Should I cut more clones? Here’s a picture today. I’d want the back left and front right plants as clones. They’re golden goat plants

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  20. It looks like you have plenty of branches to take them from

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