DXM Trippin' At The Museum

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Daggermouth, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Tomorrow morning my class is going on a trip to The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and I was thinking of good ways to make the day more interesting. So I decided that I will do 1 Zicam Max Cough Spray which equals up to approximately 390mg of Dextromethorphan. I am very experienced with DXM and have taken it many, many times at many different doses, the highest being close to 1000mg. I weigh about 220 lbs so I should be at the high 1st plateau or low 2nd plateau. I don't want to go too overboard since there will be teachers around. Anyway, I have never done the Zicam Max Cough Spray before and was wondering if I should mix it with anything or just take it like a shot. Also, is there a specific way to open up the top? I might sound like a moron but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks and wish me luck.
  2. I hope your experience comes through. Careful with that man.

    I would probably just pack a fat bowl before.
  3. ive done DXM at school
    and neither time did i feel comfortable, i was paranoid as hell about getting caught

    one of the times i left school,(i took 1065mg of DXM the night before) and ran from cops that didnt exist
    and the way i acted/talked was reminding me of a cowboy
    idk how i was really acting/sounding, but i felt like i was talking like a cowboy, lol

    anyway, its up to you, and how you feel you can handle it
    i love psychedelics(shrooms or acid) at museums (especially art museums)
  4. Do the zicam and then a bottle of tussin, 390mg for a 220 pounders isnt shit .I just did 500 and I weigth 200 and I only feel a lil drunk
  5. Be cool around the security guards, if there are any.
    Currently on DXM, happy trippin :)
    DXM at the museum actually sounds nice, I'll have to try that sometime.
  6. Damn dude, 500mg usually has me trippin' pretty hard. Maybe it's not only the weight thing, unless you're just coming up in which case I feel a little drunk while I'm coming up usually.

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