DXM Question

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dougie3, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Hey everyone, Havent been on in a while but I was wondering if I could get some help.

    So, I bought a 4 oz DXM Bottle (MADE SURE THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT WAS DXM) and was wondering how much I should take in order to reach between the first and second plateau. I weigh about 170 pounds

    it says 15 mg DXM/ 5 ml

    and i know that there is about 30 ml in an ounce. so should i take around Four ounces/the whole bottle? That would give me about 240 mg of DXM if my calculations are right.

    Thank fellas
  2. You can go to this website to figure out how much to take in order to reach the plateau(s) you want.


    This page should answer almost all the questions you will ever have on this subject.

    Happy Robo Trippin :smoking:!

    EDIT: Haha forgot to mention, scroll down to section 5 to read about the plateaus
  3. If you only got 1 bottle, down the entire thing. I have never been a fan or redosing on dxm, because it requires you staying awake for long periods of time. Also you would need the first 300mg atleast of dxm to feel a buzz.

    Also, you don't get plateaus if you never try redosing in the first place.
  4. Take the whole thing. My friend tried doing only half and just got nauseaus. Make sure you don't eat directly before either, it's not pretty.
  5. Anything less than like 200mg just makes me feel woozy and not very high. Unless I blaze alot.

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