DWC second grow

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by pizzaeater, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Documenting my second grow. I have a link to my first grow in my signature. I will be posting weekly photo updates. Comments welcome.

    As a relative newb, I opted for autos for a few reasons, quick harvest, not having to worry about light cycles and small size (I was not planning on a tent when seeds were ordered).

    Nirvana blue Mystic auto
    3x3 eBay tent
    300w eBay led ufo
    GH Maxibloom. Using the Lucas formula that is 7 grams per gallon. CalMag & Hydroguard

    Started on 7/12 in a Rapidrooter under a 23w 5000 CFL on 24/0. I'll switch over to my ebay 300W ufo led after the root drops below the netpot.

    Here is the first pic from today.

  2. #2 pizzaeater, Jul 22, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    duplicate post
  3. Day 7 update

    Ph leveled out to 5.8-6.0 after 3 days. On day 4 I switched to led (18/6) 12 inches away and added 1 tsp of Hydroguard and 3 tsp of CalMag.

    Interior tent temps are kind of warm @79 f, res temps @75 f. I was switching out frozen 1liter bottles on my first grow but not hassling with that task on this grow. Other experienced growers mentioned that Hydroguard will address issues related to high res temps.

    Stay tuned for next week's post.

  4. Day 14

    I have only been taking daily ph readings and checking the root development. Ph has been stable at 5.9. Looking back at my first grow this plant is a bit bigger. Short with tight nodes

    I will do my first rez change when the plant is ready for nutes. I'll be using the Lucas formula at 1/4 strength with Maxibloom. Thanks for taking a look.

    Here are a few pics

  5. Day 17 update
    Did the daily ph check this morning and snapped a photo. Looks like the 5th pair of leaves are about to spring. I'll change out the rez on day 21 and add 1/4 strength nutes along with the Hydroguard and CalMag.

    Comparing the progress from my first grow, this is growing faster and without the issues related to CalMag deficiencies. The rez temps are more stable (75f) as I'm not changing out frozen 1L bottles.

    Sorry for the purple lights. The fan leaves are just about to extend pass the edge of the bucket. Nice growth since day 14.
  6. Day 21 update

    Today is the first Rez change and feeding. Baseline ppm is 70, added GH Maxibloom at 25% Lucas formula, CalMag and hydroguard. The ppm after additions is 620. Adjusted ph to 5.7. Will check ph later today as ph tends to rise before leveling out the first few days.

    I'll monitor ppm daily to see if she is drinking, eating or if I found the sweet spot. Future pics of the roots will have a pinkish hue due to the Maxibloom.

    Started LST on day 18, here are a few pics from today. Thanks for taking a look.


  7. Day 24 update

    I have some spotting on the leaves. Any idea what it could be? I don't think it is CalMag but I could be wrong.

    PPM was 650 on Saturday and slowly rose to 670 this morning. I added 1/2 gallon of ph/nute/Calmg water to the rez bringing the ppm down to 660. I guess she is drinking a little more than she is eating. PH was at 6.0

    Using some small eye screws and baling wire I modded my net pot lid for LST holds. Now I can lift the lid and still have her tied down. Here are some pics.



  8. So far so good, looking great man. What kind of ufo are you using?
  9. It is a no name eBay UFO. It has 100 3w leds so it is not a true 300w light. I'm sure my yields would improve with a better light but not looking to spend more money on my system. I got 2.5 oz from my last/first grow so if I can duplicate that I'll be satisfied.

    I paid $64 last year but the prices have come down now that COBs are getting popular.
  10. If your spotting continues, look into calcium deficiency.

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  11. Day 28 update

    The spotting seems to be under control. Ppm rose from 672 to 724, ph stable at 5.9. She is drinking about a quart a day. Topping off with 25% nute solution with Calmg and ph'd.

    I'm really liking my LST ring. Allows me to tie down multiple branches quickly and still allows access to the bucket. I did manage to damage one stem but seeing if I can save it with some tape.

    Here are some pics of the progress.



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  12. I just ordered a 3.5gal one site bucket and will definitely be stealing your ring idea. Looking great! Glad you got the spotting under control.

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  13. Day 35 update

    She is making good progress. I got a little aggressive with the LST during the week which resulted in the snapping the main stem. I couldn't save it so it was removed. She looks to have recovered but I'll need to be more careful.

    I'm definitely in flower as you can see in the 3rd pic. No pics of the roots but most of the growth has been on top.

    Ph and ppm pretty stable throughout the week ranging from 5.8-6.2 ph and 725-744 ppm. I'll change out the Rez next week.

    The last pic is the result of 30 minutes of LST the reaching stems this morning.

    Thanks for stopping by.




  14. Man that sucks about the main stem, but she is really making herself comfortable in that tent. All stretched out. I think she'll still give you a solid yield. Looking happy and healthy.

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  15. Looking very healthy and happy.
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  16. Day 43 update

    Comparing this grow (Blue Mystic auto) to my first (Pineapple express auto) the plant is much bigger at the same age but not as dense/compact. Hopefully, the buds fatten up in the next few weeks. There is no odor yet but this is said to be a low odor strain.

    I switched out the 5 gallon bucket for a 20 gallon bin. It now holds 9 gallons vs 3.5 gallons. I installed a float valve that will automatically maintain the water level when I plan to be away for 4 days in September. I'm thinking the larger rez will help maintain ph and temps better. I'll add more pics of that setup next week.

    Lots of LST with rubber bands and garden ties helped open up the plant. The roots are healthy but relatively small compared to the canopy. We'll see if the larger rez has any impact on the size of the rootball.

    Still at 25% strength for the nutes. Using Maxibloom with the Lucas formula. Added CalMg and Hydroguard and set ph at 5.7. Will check later today as ph seems to rise after a rez change.

    Thanks for stopping by for a look.





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  17. She has taken over that space pizzaeater! Good stuff. Are you going to do any defoliating on all that leafy lower growth?

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  18. Thanks. I will not be removing any fan leaves. My theory is that the leaves are the "solar panels" of the plant. More leaves = more energy = more growth. You will see that as a plant nears harvest the fan leaves will yellow. That is the plant consuming the energy stored in the leaves. Removing leaves will divert energy from fattening buds to growing more leaves. Yes, the perfectly good leaves that were just removed.

    Also, since I'm running autos I will limit any stress to the plant except LST.
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  19. Gotcha, I know there are many different opinions on defoliation. I've seen successful grows both ways. I personally defoliate, but I respect your choice not to. More than one way to skin that cat. Looking forward to the rest of your grow.

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  20. Day 49 update
    Nirvana Blue Mystic auto

    Continued LST to keep her short. She is about 24 inches tall but has spread to the edges of the 3x3 tent. I'm at 25% Lucas formula strength but will be slowly ramping up to 50% as I top off with 50% solution. Ph ranging from 5.7 -6.1, last ppm reading was 649. The light is about 14 inches from the canopy.

    Here are some pics. Thanks for stopping by.



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