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Dutch Passion... smells like shit?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by farkface, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Got some stuff recently sold as "Dutch Passion"

    Obviously we never really know for sure. It is plenty frosty. It had an effect. But it smells like shit. Normally I like the dank weed smell, but this actually kinda smells like shit.

    I cant stand to vaporize it. Taste like shit-vape :) I don't smoke very often (as opposed to daily vaping) but I've been saving the stuff for bong hits only between my friends, but still it tastes kinda assy.

    I also thought about making hash with it but that would probably be a terrible idea... imagine concentrated shit hash.

    Anybody else run across a strain like this called Dutch Passion?
  2. Could've just been cured badly?
  3. heard of it before.... just dont think about the taste.

    I've had some weed that smelled and tasted like windex. Sucked to smoke also
  4. Usually ass taste or just really gross tasting bud is usually moldy. Gets you high but smoking it leaves shit resin taste in your mouth.
  5. It was probably just badly cured. I'd check for mold if I were in your position.
  6. A lot of weed in the UK smells like fish. Dont ask, im guessing people just cant grow.

    Actually im not guessing, i know people cant grow, they use too much food and dont flush. People dont cut leaves off, they dont dry properly or cure. On average weed in London is shit.

    People growing weed that cant is what should be illegal.
  7. The Dutch passion ive had is the same stuff nasty ass bud
  8. Couldn't agree more

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