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Dutch Passion Blueberry Grow

Discussion in 'Marijuana Grow Journals' started by rollinghippie, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. #1 rollinghippie, Aug 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2008
    This is where it all started

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  2. This is where I am today. Notice some of the "retard" plants (common with blueberry). Its funny this was the first strain I ever grew. Out of the 10 seeds I spent lots of money for I only had 2 of them survive...I did all the typical newbie stuff like try to run a 1k light in a small closet...not putting in vermiculite or perilite in the soil...I truly abused that run but the two I did get were super heavy producers. Since then I have run several runs of blueberry each time learning a little more.

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  3. lookin good so far. cant wait to see them flourish
  4. I built this home made cabinent out of panda plastic and some scrap stuff in the garage. Any suggestions welcome as this is my first time building a cabinent.

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  5. I will blooming in a seperate area....its a little full at the moment but I plan on totally revamping it when its empty. Currently it has one 1k magnetic ballast with some Mandal Satori and Blueberry finishing. The next run I hope to rip everything out and re-vamp it which I guess is part of the fun :smoking:. The new set up I am considering for the room will consist of 2 lumatek 1k digi's with super sun 2 refective hoods. I would also like to add a CAP XGC-1 extreme greenhouse contoller with we will see how it goes. This is the area currently.

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  6. Thanks for checkin in should be a good time if all goes well.

  7. Keep up the good work rolling. I'll keep my eyes on your show. :hello:
  8. some damn nice plants you got there

    this isnt really a grow journal though is it

    what strain of plants are the fully matured ones u got goin at the mo?

    looks like dank shit anyway peace

  9. lol, whats that supposed to mean?

  10. Put the pipe will update more later

  11. #11 rollinghippie, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2008
    So here is what I have been up too lately. I started on quest to try to figure out a way to water my soil garden's veg tent in hopes to make a larger version for my "bloom room" when I re-vamp it. Here is how it came together. They wouldnt let me post the pictures twice so to see the blueberry as of today you must click the link below to view.

    My ph is 6.4 and my PPM is 648. The chemicals I am using are IONIC grow, Diamond nectar, and superthrive. This is my first attempt at autowatering so if you have any suggestions throw them at me.

  12. Here is an update on the bloom room..

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  13. I staggered some of the plants so they would be ready at different times so I wouldnt run out of smoke....two or three of the plants are almost ready!!

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  14. damn looking good i bet those are starting smell fruitastious.
  15. HOT DAMn
    your plants llook taaaaasty.

  16. Blueberry (Dutch Passion) and Satori (Mandala Seeds)
  17. Thanks for stopping in guys gotta coupla tester nugs of course to get me by :D

  18. The little guys seemed to have like their superthrive and are adjusting well to the new watering system. Today I added the timer so it will run their next watering

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  19. was running out of tonight I decided to chop a couple of treats to get me by for a bit.

    Blueberry (Dutch Passion)

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  20. Satori (Mandala Seeds)

    Thanks for stopping by!!


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