dunno if eating a double cheeseburger will ever be the same again

Discussion in 'General' started by agent0064life, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. #21 DirtyPete, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2008
  2. oh, now I get it.



  3. Haha, this reminded me of Superbad.

    I don't eat hamburgers that often, but when I do, it has to have cheese. Without it, the burger seems dry.
  4. are you serious? cheese is the best food in the world!

    Milk is good as well - thank god for Lactaid.

    i had a delicious Prime Rib burger from Carl's Jr. today. Mmmm
  5. LOL

    one time I was baked off my ass eating a mcflurry and I thought the m&m's were BUGS (was really high) so I spit it all over myself
  6. Ever heard of head cheese? Most hot dogs are actually meat. Head cheese is pretty much made of a pig's face. In head cheese they don't even bother grinding the shit up, they just smoosh it together with gelatin. I can't remember but there might be some anal parts in there too. Sure looks like it.
  7. I totally love fried out pork fat with skin attached.

    AKA chicharones
  8. Oh, me too.

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