Dumpster Diving

Discussion in 'General' started by hurpdaflerp, May 12, 2014.

  1. do you ever dumpster dive for food, and do you think some places will poison their garbage to kill off the homeless?

  2. I dont need to
    So Im not going to say I never will because hey, shit happens
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  3. but do you think some places poison their food to kill off the homeless?
  4. Maybe
    That'd be fucked up
    And probably would be extra trouble when all they do is throw all the shit away
  5. Hardly think so loll

    Would imagine they don't give much thought to the homeless ,to bother about casual genocide of folk without houses

    I'd be more concerned of rats pissing on it. You get weils disease and you will wish to fuck you had been poisoned lol
  6. Nope. I like to eat food i make, not leftovers lol

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  7. lol....

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