alright, first off, this is probably gonna be a long ass post. sorry about that. now, go here and read this first: well, today, i got my second underage drinking. apparently, after i left the party, people started smashing all the furniture in the hotel room. a table was broken, a tv was thrown across a room, a wooden chest was burnt, permanent marker was all over the walls, and beer bottles were littered everywhere. the two dudes who rented the room, didn't even check out. they just left the keys on the counter and ran. the hotel went to clean the rooms, saw the damage, and called the cops. the cops "investigated" it. so today (i'm 18, senior in high school, still live with my parents) at school i was talking with my friend and i was like dude friday night kicked ass and then he said no it didnt because the cops found out and somebody took pictures of everybody drinking or something. second hour i get called down to the office. i knew what it was about right away. i walked downstairs, went inside, and saw the principal, secretary, and a cop all looking at me with weird expressions on their face. the cop takes me into the board meeting room, sits me down and starts asking me questions. him: "do you know why you're here?" me: "no." him: "i know you were at [insert resort name here] partying friday night." me: "no i wasn't." him: "don't start with me. i need you to help me." me: "alright." the cops pulls out a baggie. obviously it had weed in it before, but now it only had a roach. i knew what it was. him: "is this yours?" me: "no." him: "do you know who's this is?" me: "no." him: "did you smoke marijuana at the party?" me: "no." him: "who was smoking at the party." me: "i didn't see anybody." him: "did you drink alcohol?" i wasn't sure if somebody had been talking or not, so i decided that i might as well tell the truth. me: "yeah." him: "what did you drink?" me: "beer." him: "how many?" me: "just one." him: "are you sure you just had one?" me: "yeah." him: "you know it doesn't matter if you had one or ten, right? it's the same penalty." me: "yeah, i know. i already have underage drinking on my record." him: "when was that?" me: "sixth grade." him: "so who was all at the party?" i named off a few people. i had no choice considering i had no idea how much he already knew and he knew there had been quite a few people there. him: "was anybody 21 years or older at the party?" me: "not that i know of." (LIE) him: "who was drinking?" me: "i don't know exactly who, but a lot of people were." (LIE) him: "was there any girls there?" me: "yeah." him: "who?" i told him who -- a total of two girls. him:"was there any sex at the party?" me: "i didn't see any." him: "did you engage in sex?" me: "no." him: "are you sure?" me: "yeah." him: "are you positive." me: "uh... yeah... pretty sure dude..." my friend told me that they put a condom on somebody's face when they passed out, so that's why he was asking that. him: "so who broke all the furniture?" me: "i don't know." (LIE) him: "so you didn't break any of the furniture?" me: "no. i left before any of that happened." him: "what time did you leave?" me: "3:00 am" him: "what time did you get there?" me: "around 11 pm." we had a bet at the party on when this chick would pass out. we wrote our initials on a slip of paper and put the times next to it. that's the only way he figured out that i was there. my initials were on there, and a lot of people know that my friends call me by my initials, so its like a nickname. then he made me make a statement and sign it. later in the day i felt like such a dumbass. i basically busted myself. i admitted that i drank and all my friends told the guy that they didn't think i did. i could have denied it and got away with it because it turns out i was the first person to be interrogated, so i was basically the narc without narcing on anybody. i told him a couple names of the people that were there, but never said who's weed it was, who was drinking, who supplied the beer, etc. the cop wasn't even that smart though. he let me go and then let me pick who he should call next to ask questions. so of course i told him a friend, so that i could stop that friend in the hallway and tell him "our story." the two dudes who busted up everything were complete fucking morons. the one, is seriously an idiot. the hotel room that they smashed shit in, was registered in his name. how fucking dumb can you be? then they didn't clean it up, so yeah, that was just great. they're the whole reason everybody got busted. having a party in a hotel room is a not a bad idea, but vandalizing the place is just fucking stupid. so yeah, i don't have a clue what my punishment is gonna be. i'm thinking it's either going to be a $200 fine and a 30 day license suspension or i might have the option to take a AODA class or whatever the fuck it's called. the best part is... i don't even fucking like alcohol that much. if it was weed, sure man, i'd suck it and take the rap because i love weed, but this is alcohol. i hardly drink. that was the first night in so fucking long and it just so happens it gets busted. i'm more worried about my friend. this year he got charged with sexual assault (dating someone who is four years younger than you isn't smart.) and he's not allowed to be around any minors (the reason why we rented a hotel room) and now he might get fucking busted. i told the cop that him and the minor were in seperate rooms the whole night (lie), so he might be safe, but otherwise he's gonna go to fucking jail dude. he's a real cool guy too, so that'd be shitty. the cop wasn't actually that bad. he was pretty nice about the whole thing, especially me since he said i might be getting an underage drinking and then he dropped two other charges (i won't go into details). now somebody is gonna say that cops can't make deals like that (if you give us information, we'll drop the charge, etc.) but i guess this cop did that... my friend took the rap for the weed (wasn't even hers though). haha, the cop, he opened the baggie with the roach in it, took a nice smell of the roach (it was dank), and then put in it his pocket. i wouldn't be suprised if he smokes it.
As soon as you walked in and saw the cop you should have said, "I want to speak with my lawyer". You don't have to talk to the cop and they might just let you off the hook. NEVER INCRIMINATE YOURSELF. This is one of the biggest reasons people get caught up.
Yeah, I realized that. As soon as I walked out of that room I was thinking, shit I should have told them I wanted to talk to my lawyer.
dude why would you ever drop another persons name like that? you can incriminate yourself thats your own problem but you are not obligated to narc just because you were at the party. sounds to me like your alot of the reason everyone got busted. sorry for the hostility but i've been caught before because someone mouthed off to look good to the authorities.
i didn't incriminate anybody. i saved a couple people's asses. the names i gave out, were people who were close to me. i told them everything i told the cop, so they could tell the same story. i think its better to do that so that we can all have the same story, so the cop doesn't become suspicious, we screw up, and then end up with three more charges against us. no thanks. i think this worked out just fine. it would be different if i went in there and said "yeah that's [insert name]'s weed. i saw [insert name], [insert name], [insert name] smoking it. i saw [insert name], [insert name], [insert name], all drinking. [insert name] supplied the alcohol. [insert name] and [insert name] went out to [insert name]'s car and fucked.
Ouch bro! Yeah I agree you definitely should have asked to speak to your lawyer the instant you saw that damned badge.
Yeah, I've never really been questioned by the cops before, so I was kind of nervous, but yeah, I'm definetly gonna do that next time they try to get me to make a statement.
Wrong. The cop was smarter than you. That's why he ended up with a bunch of names of people to interrogate, and you ended up with a Minor In Possession charge. That said, I'll break down all the places I think you made a mistake. First he caught you in a lie, right off the bat, easily. He had no proof you were at the party. If you would've stuck to your original story about not being there, you would've been fine. All he said was "Don't start with me," and you caved. Even if he said "We have your fingerprints and DNA all over the place, plus you're on video!" you shouldn't have caved. He could be lying; cops are allowed to lie too. In fact they're trained to do that when questioning someone. If he's not lying, you can find out in court, and the charges will still be exactly the same. It doesn't matter whether your lie or tell the truth. Beyond that, someone's initials don't mean shit, especially in court if they tried to press charges. I mean jeeze, I bet a cop or two in your town have the same initials as you! I bet at least one of the hotel employees has the same initials, too! Second, after you had already admitted to being at the party, you admitted to drinking. Even if someone had specifically said: "Your name here was pounding tequila and whiskey all night long!!!" you still should have denied it. One thing I've learned the hard way: telling the truth and incriminating yourself makes things easy on the cops; NOT ON YOU. Third - When he started asking you for specific names, you should have completely clammed up. Just say: "I'm not naming any names." No matter what, he can't force you to. You know, and he doesn't. Keep it that way. The information is in your head. He only has one way to get it: if you tell him. Fourth - Why sign something? What's in it for you, except a concrete confession to be used against you in court? Now that I've done that, I'll say this: it's a lot easier for me to sit here and analyze all the shit you did wrong than it is for you to make the decision in the heat of the moment, under pressure with a cop interrogating you. The main thing is that you should never name names, because it doesn't help you. It only helps them. They make you think that it helps you, but it doesn't. Finally, who the hell fucks up a hotel room? You have to give a credit card # to get a hotel room, for THAT EXACT REASON. Maybe this was at a small hotel somewhere where they don't follow that general rule, but NEVER IN MY LIFE have I got a hotel room without a valid credit card. If I rented a room for a bunch of friends to party at, and some people fucked it up, I'd bring their ass on some court TV show or some shit.
why did the cop care about people having sex anyway? is that illegal? sorry to come off as harsh but i've just had bad experiences with people usually girls pulling a (crying) "yes i did it, i'm so sorry, it was - and - and - and - and especially -." i misunderstood your story i think. still though i agree with fenear, a good thing to do would be when he says "don't start with me" make him show you the evidence he has. very possible he doesn't have anythign, or just initials. don't assume just cause he says that he has pictures or something.
^ I think he wanted to know about sex for one of two reasons. 1) Someone passed out and got a condom wrapped over his head as a prank. That could be construed as manslaughter. 2) One of the girls could be claiming statutory rape against someone at the party (not too likely).
yea as feanour said, never incriminate yourself. always deny everything. the penalty wont be any more if they find out you were lieing. they'll be a little upset, but oh well. its their job to intimidate people into confessing. and never give any names. thats low.
only two types of people can get away with trashing a hotel room....rock stars and Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo. Fëanor, +rep for your post. STOP SNITCHIN.
nark... i seriously hope someone beats your ass for droppin names, because thats what you deserve, the thread title should be "im a fucking dumbass" sorry for soundin harsh but comon, you should have more sense than that
The girl didn't claim anything, but yeah, that's why they asked. She's under 17, unlike basically everybody at the party. Only reason why she was allowed to come was because her cousin was the one who rented the room. And yeah, I fucked up. I got it. I knew as soon as I started talking that I fucked up, but now it's a learning experience. I'm gonna have to deal with cops my whole life and now I know how to deal with them -- remain silent. The person who I fucked the most was myself. Exactly. If they never would have done that, this would have never happened.
well man glad you didnt get in that much shit... I hate when a couple people bring something sweet down but shit that does suck you got busted for a couple beers nobodys gonna say i want to speak with my lawyer.. its underage drinking a like 200 dollar fine dont be stupid man the cop wont care
Not only that, but then I would've been the main target. They would have charged me with destruction of property for sure. Oh, and this is my second underage. I'm not upset about besides wasting $160 - $500 that could've gone to buying some weed. Then only thing I'll be pissed off about is if they suspend my license for 30 - 60 days or whatever. But I'm pretty sure they'll give me the option to take a class or whatever instead...
if you've never been in that situation before, most people (i would think) wouldn't know what to do either. You were honest for the most part and didn't cooperate really, so good for you man. It always coulda been worse