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DUDE!!!! How many ppl are "seasoned tokers"

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by rockr080, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. everyone who hangs out in this "seasoned tokers" area only reply once so we have a number of how many ppl live here!!! i'm just wonderin
  2. obviously me cuz i started this hahaha oooh man i'm so funny
  3. habenero hot sauce and lime....
  4. a little bit of cayane and some garlic here...
  5. are you weathered if you are a seasoned toker?
  6. depends...

    where you grown outdoor or indoor?
  7. Seasoned Tokers >what does it mean ... ?

  8. experienced johhny blazers.
  9. toasted here... ok not really as I am drier than a nun's nasty.
  10. Herbal seasonings with garlic and hot sauce...

    Nice and tender with a nice hard kick!!!
  11. just plain old suger here cuz im so fucking sweet
  12. I used to be a seasoned toker, now I'm just seasoned.
  13. oh man this is so spammm... i mean.. mapsss...
  14. I smoke multiple blunts
  15. could some expose how to for a blunt ? ..
  16. i'm about "well done" with parsley sage rosemary and tyme.
  17. I smoke an ounce a day, does that make me seasoned? or just marinated...
  18. I like to shimmy on the tips side with a banga walla fulla Shimmybannnnnnnnn.

  19. No your just a pot head!

  20. say what?

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