Whoa Ima sub this dude [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYFApC9Bb_g&feature=plcp"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYFApC9Bb_g&feature=plcp[/ame]
My cousin had a pet squirrel. They raised it from a baby. The thing was super friendly, it'd wrestle with his hand and even come inside their kitchen and chill with them while they ate. There are perks to raising an animal from a baby to adulthood
I have a pet duck lol. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VaBkRTjUw4]Beatboxing With A Duck - YouTube[/ame]
Squirrels can get pretty friendly if they get to know ya. My grandpa used to feed the squirrels outside his house so often that they knew him and were pretty friendly with him. I sat down in a chair outside at his house once and he gave me some nuts to put in my lap to see if the squirrel would come up and eat them. It did. And then it peed on me.
No, it made sure to stuff all the nuts in it's face first. And then it peed. On my leg. One of the highlights of my life, really. Squirrel, peeing on my leg. How often does that happen?