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Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by DBV, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Say I were to propose a world based on polarizing "opposites", such as orbits causing day and night; light and "dark". If you consider the universe as a whole, you begin to notice that it runs on cycles. That is to say, it must obtain two separate fixed points of opposition that more often than not (by far) revolve around each other to create harmony.

    Now with that in mind, which do you consider to be more true; the force that requires opposition to begin the orbit, or simply the action itself as a sense of "oneness" that is truly only an obscure illusion of opposition? That is to say everything is purely objective and there isn't really an opposite in space/time..

    At first thought, I want to say dualism is an illusion, but the more I think about how reality revolves around itself, I begin to realise conflict seems to be its fuel. It's a certain balance between chaos and order that keeps it all in check. Perfectly imperfect. The universe may be based on its own moral code?

    What are your thoughts?
  2. Dualism is wrong.

    And before I bother debating you, let me ask to save time. Do you believe in empiricism? There is no use debating with people who have their own hocus pocus science.
  3. #3 DBV, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2011
    Of course I do. I believe theories are one thing, but experience is the true determining factor. (such as experiments proving or disproving a hypothesis)

    Can you explain why it is wrong? Do you not believe in negative and positive forces? Or you just don't think their opposition is required for existence to orbit the way it does?

    My first example will be protons and electrons since they are within the puzzle pieces.
  4. I've always wondered about that, if protons and electrons make up the entire universe, then don't they both cancel each other out, meaning nothing is actually there. I like the theory that the dualistic world of opposites we live in is the illusion we create so that we can experience something out of nothing.

    Maybe everything in life has it's opposite so that somehow karmically or whatever it all cancels each other out, creating this universal balance which ultimately equals out as nothing.
  5. You read somewhere the inside space of atoms is 99.999999999.....% empty space? well lets think about this for a moment.. Is that 'empty' space of 'nothing', is that space not apart of THIS existence, this universe? I can only relate to 'no-thing' as the 'time' before I existed. Even then I cant remember much until my mind developed enough. Like how you cant remember being inside the womb or very little from a young age.
  6. #6 DBV, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    This is what I think too, except I don't think it cancels each other out really.. it just creates a natural balance. The opposition must create harmony.. yin yang. One force can't have too much power or the universe would get over-excited one way or the other..

    I guess my question is; how do these forces interact with our awareness and do they have any affect on morality or even mood?

    It's interesting to think about isn't it? To me, atoms are basically like binary code to a computer.. there emptiness isn't too important, it's the information they contain that our awareness displays for us that matters. They are basically just a message.
  7. i think all these opposites....
    positives and negatives...
    just point twords the idea of looking for some kind of balance between them

    motion creates balance;):smoke:
    my "brain" doesnt fire the way most others do.....i actually remember shit from before i could speak....better then i remember last week
  8. This got the old light bulb glowing! Haha. It's as if dualism only exists when comparing two separate points in space/time (and with two points, dual is automatic). So considering the relationship between environment and awareness, I guess you could say dualism is only as real as the separation between mind and body (when I say body, I mean the entire universe/atomic structure). Dualism is the parallel lines between perception and physicality.. synchronicity.

    Now I wonder, if the universe truly strives for balance, does anything considered positive inevitably cause a negative reaction?
  9. If the last question were true, apparently it isn't karma that's the bitch, but inevitability. lol.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans btw!

  10. that universe is in constant motion......

    and(yes this is my favorite quote!)motion creates balance....

    it is always creating its own balance.....
    always spinning...
    from the tiniest to the greatest....
    from your electrons and planets and galaxies....
    always in motion....
    and from what we can far......
    it would seam that all that motion is created by those opposites pushing and pulling on one another......
    so this leads me to consider that without all this dualism.....we would have no motion.....
    no balance.....

    now i an drawn to wonder.....what happens if just one electron stopped moving....what happens if just one planet just one galaxy.....
    stops moving....

    everything is fucked......

    we need this dualism ....without it nothing we know could be.......

  11. is there really any difference between the two?
    karma and inevitability?

    is not living out ones karma inevitable? according to the recognized idea of karma anyway....and according to the same not all that is inevitable designed as such by karma?

  12. #12 DBV, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    What happens when a gear loses its teeth? It seizes to spin the rest of the machine.. atoms are all just cogs within the cycle.

    Idk though... I don't think atoms have as much power as were giving them credit for.. I think it's the energy that condenses into them that creates the harmony. If one atom (or planet) created a problem, I think there is a counter-action to perpetuate the balance (such as converting back to energy). This thought has an interesting appeal when you consider what quantum mechanics tell us happens to atoms within a vacuum.. perhaps energy is in control of vacuums and is capable of creating them when needed?
  13. I feel like im starting to understand things

  14. idk shit....but i get alot of ideas...and i feel all kinds of things :smoke:

    exactly....but even the little parts are important to the whole
    we dont have to give them any power at see them as tiny representations of the larger world around us......many of the connections we are making are symbolic/ to speak....
    we are talking about how these tiny parts inside an atom making it up....are similar in motion and action to the smaller parts(planets/moons)that make up solar atoms come together to form the next step up (cells?)
    just as solar systems come together to form galaxies....and so on....

    and how that dualistic nature keeps it all in motion.....smallest to largest.... want to think for a second about how much "power" that atom actually has........
  15. Very good point, but what I mean is I'm not sure if one electron seizing to move would cause as much damage as we think.. Maybe it constantly happens but nature has a balancing act? I mean shit, we could practically say atoms only exist when we attempt to measure/observe them. Until we observe them, they remain waves of information. Kind of like superposition.

    I think I'm getting far too theoretical for my liking though.. haha. Nature works in mysterious ways though, that's for sure!

  16. it is that dualism which creates the motion...
    that keeps everything in balance....
    a single electron cannot simply stop moving....
    for it to do so the proton pushing and pulling on it would have to stop as well.....i dont know what would happen should these parts of a single atom stopped moving.....if they even can it is their nature to drive one another.....but we know what happens when you split them apart.....

    if we decide to get into that theory....every possibility exists ...until we add an observer;):smoke:

    nothing is for sure....thats for sure:eek:;):smoke:
  17. #17 DBV, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    It is its charge that forces its motion.. so now were back to: are there truly positive and negative forces? Or is the balance that creates one objective reality the true force?

    So much motion, my head's spinning with thoughts... lol. I'm just gonna chalk it up to; does it matter? hahahaha.

    Interesting point! Ever since I've seen the double slit experiment, I've become a firm believer of infinite possibilities until an observer comes into play. With my signature in mind, it makes me wonder what exactly is determining the doors of possibilities? Nature I suppose.. we'll probably never know how. :(
  18. positive and negative are just words we have given to these things to represent the way they attract and repel one another......we must do as we can ...not to allow language to limit our thinking;):smoke:

    i did a bunch of reading on the subject....the thing people often forget is that it is discussing how shit works on an atomic level.....(now we know we can draw similarities between the tiny and the great-but this does not make them one in the same) the first time i read it thru....the picture that came to mind .....
    [ame=]Wile e Coyote - Way 1 to fall down - YouTube[/ame]

    no gravity to create the fall......until our friend observes his position......;):smoke:
    if things at our scale worked the way they do on the atomic level....
  19. True, but language is the only thing I can use to attempt to understand the concept..

    Idk... I think the universe is a single force of existence, but in one way or another, it uses dualism to keep it in order. I guess it's a mix between dualism and objectivism?
  20. I don't really know what to say to the Original post because it confused the hell out of me, but lately I've been noticing so many dualities, or apparent dualities, in life. And sometimes life shows you duality is wrong, like in breathing. If you breathe deeply in, at the end you feel very strained and need to breathe out. Breathe all the way out, and you feel strained and need to breathe in. That shows me that extreme polarity is not good, and that it needs to be balanced like yin and yang.

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