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DT Today and trying my first detox.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Dakota Cameron, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Hey guys I have a question. I have been a taker for round 10 years. Just recently I am going from part time to full time work at my job and as a result have to take another DT today. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews on this ultimate gold 12oz drink. And all the info on here about it was almost 2 years old. So I would just to let people know if it worked. I'm 250lbs and toke now about once every two months. I'm used to Dr greens synthetic but couldn't get any. See ya later with results.
  2. They don't work for heavy/daily users from what i have seen. Get some synthetic urine. Overnight some quick fix synthetic urine to ylur door
  3. Once every two months. That begs the question, when was the last time you toked? If it was more than a couple weeks ago then you should be fine even without a detox drink. With a detox drink I'd say you have a good shot at passing.
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  4. Last time was one week ago.
  5. Hmm, last time was one week ago and before that was one or two months ago? You're on the heavier side so that doesn't work in your favor but overall I'd say you have a good shot at passing with a detox drink. Then again, everyone has a different metabolism. I smoked one bowl pack per night 4-6 nights a week for a few years up until one week ago. Took an herbal supplement, greatly increased my water intake, and exercised heavily - after one week I'm clean according the urine sample I took right when I woke up today. I'm 170 and in shape though so IDK if that has a huge effect on it. You should order some cheap at-home test kits and test yourself to be sure.
  6. Well what I did was I took the drink and followed the instructions on the bottle and then went and did my drug test this morning. And then afterwards I went to the store the dollar store and but Ford of the $1 test strips. And so far two of them have come up as negative for THC so I'm feeling positive. And last night I went to Walmart and bought one $13 cup test for THC only. And when I did smoke 1 week ago today I only smoked at most maybe three quarters of a joint a small joint. Since all of the test that I took the one before the drink and then the one after the drink that I had at home we're negative for THC I'm feeling positive. But I'll have to wait for at least one to two days to find out if I passed the drug test for the job. Thanks for any support guys.
  7. #7 AtheousKrace, Mar 8, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
    Thc leaves the body if you smoke for the first time from 1-6 days, going with the highest estimates. Other realiable sources say it leaves as soon as 3-4 days.

    So if you smoke a week ago its gone from your system and that's probably why you didn't test positive. You probably didnt need the drink at all.

    If you want fail proof method I suggest Substitution. Although people have had positive results with detox products, to me its more of a gamble and it needs you to dilute your urine for "best results". Labs check for samples to see if they are diluted.

    Find a clean friend and use their urine, search the web fir subtitution tips and guides, there are tons, including this forum.

    If you can afford quick fix 6.1 and can wait for it to arrive, its another good option.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Yeah I'm just going to have to wait and see. I'll let cha guys know when I find out. This is an awesome forum.
  9. Well guys. Idk if it was due to me using the detox or being clean naturally. But I passed and get the job. So I'd have to say for people in the future if you need a short notice dt fixer then get a detox drink. But I will be ordering some urine soon for safety purposes.
  10. Don't lie. You sucked the interviewers dick.

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