Dry seasons

Discussion in 'General' started by PostIt, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Its that crappy time of year around here where finding greens goes dry. I dont know if its the college kids or the weather or what but every year around fall its impossible to find anything. Another dry period is sometimes around christmas but I credit that to the holidays.
    Maybe its related to the weather and people who grow outside. Anyone else have annual dry spells in their areas?

    straight faced and bored
  2. Really? I get tons of mids all summer, then as soon as school starts it's nugs for everyone. Sweet, sweet kind bud!
  3. shortage? never, you probably just don't know the right people. Haven't completely ran out in 5+ years. I rarely see a shortage, all about who you know. im really not trying to brag, just trying to emphasize my point.
  4. Its never dry. There is pot all over the country, you just don't know anybody that has any right now.

    And yes, its because of the college kids. Its sitting in piles and mounds in my dorm.
  5. If I want weed, as in a burning desire for it, it shall be mine within 3 hours.
  6. You got to know the right people man. There could be a blizzard here and I could still get buds. There's a lot more pot than you probably realize over the states like Alpha said. Just get some better connects and you shall never be dry.
  7. The dry season ends tomorrow for me :hello: I admit I have got some exotics in Boston and such I usually deal with a middle man. All the locals out in the burbs where I live go dry the same time of year.
  8. there are so amyn dealers around me.. it sucks tho b/c lots of good onecs went to colelge n shit.. n others r sketchy but alls i no is that we got good ass shit aruond here ha =]
    i love kushhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. It makes sense that this would be the dry season if your area relies on outdoor crops. This is crop time up until the end of october. All the weed from last years crop is probably gone or dwindling by now. Once this years weed is all dry and cured, probably november/december, the dry season ends. The only help I can offer you is get connected with someone whos supply is based on indoor crops. Where there is indoor there is never a dry season.

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