Dry/cure with dehumidifier instead of jars?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Dasch, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. #1 Dasch, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2011
    Hello everyone! As the title implies, I don't have enough glass jars for a proper cure as the norm(a)l wisdom advises (too much to jar up, not a bad problem to have :D ). I do, however, have a programmable dehumidifier and a room. As "A perfect cure every time - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums" implies, it appears to be more about proper humidity and not necessarily about stopping airflow as a jar would do.

    Obviously it's not a long-term storage solution, but would it be wise to dry in a room according to the RH% listed, or is it fairly critical to jar it up? Thanks for the advice!

    (edit: my dehumidifier is capable of holding at a relative humidity with 5% steps. If I get it down to 60% and hold it, it "should" be good enough if I control the whole room's humidity and not just the air around the unit, I "think".)
  2. I wish I could say something intelligent about this, but having never tried it, I'd hate to lead anyone astray. You may want to PM "Slimm" on IC. IIRC, he experimented with a humidity controlled chamber of some size, and he may be able to give you good feedback. Best of luck.

  3. Glass jars are used for long-term storage because while most plastics are slightly permeable to air, glass is not. You of course can cure in them but you can also cure in a plastic container, as long as the plastic has no smell.
  4. This has nothing to do with what he's asking about. You may want to review the link'd thread to familiarize yourself with the concept.

  5. No one claimed it did bro. I know you think pointing that out is helpful to someone, and not the irrelevant crap it appears to be, but it really is just you being a dick.

    I've been familiar with these concepts since before your balls dropped, assuming they have.
  6. #6 SimonC, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2011
    Wait, what? Then what was the point of saying it to the OP, when he's clearly more aware of the constraints than you are? Plainly, you had no idea what he was talking about, were too ignorant to even look and/or grasp the idea, and are now trying to backpedal. It's a mark of an honest man, to be sure.

    Like most Internet liars, you just can't help yourself. Had you actually clicked on the OP's link and read the material, as you claim, we wouldn't be here. You see, I developed the methodology and I wrote the tutorial on which the OP's question is based and it's a fair guess that my comments are welcome. Would you like to try this again?

    You must have some amazing success. Can you post some pics of the plants you've grown? Please include an identifying mark in the pic, like a $5 bill. Looking forward to it...

  7. in short yes look up humidor most big smoke shops have walk in ones your room need too be dark cool and dry good luck

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