Drugs that you won't do?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by supernub, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. I won't do crack/cocaine, heroin, or meth. Or just basically no hard drugs, or ones that I dont even know what the hell they are.
  2. I wouldnt do any drug that has the potential to get me addicted the first time, or one that could easily kill me
  3. No uppers, I'm a downer/psychedelic kind of guy. And no booze, I really don't enjoy it.
  4. meth, crack, and heroin are top on my list of drugs i won't do
  5. #5 WhosGotTheHerb, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2009
    anything not considered Cannibas, other than the occasional beer.

    I guess I trip like once a month too. haha. I dont necessarily consider that a drug though as much as an experience.

  6. so what would you do?
  7. alcohol, mdma, weed, lsd.
  8. this thread is moot.

    There are way to many "drugs" to lump them into a "will never do" category.

    And no one is going to sit here and say "i think im going to try crack at some point in my life" lol
  9. Crack or meth, I'd do cocaine or heroin a few times, I have very good self control. And if I do get addicted, so be it.
  10. with that attitude, you will not be smoking weed for very long. just letting you know.
  11. #11 Downfall420, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2009
    any chemical man made shit,,i like to keep it with the ghanj and ocassionally some shrooms if i can get ahold of some..all natural here..i dont even drink,,i used to until i reaslized the damage i was doing to myslef and ive been sober from it for about 5 years now.

    Edit: been smoking weed for 11 years now and have never had the urge to experiment with anything else,,ive been satisfied with it all these years and plan on sticking with only it,eventhough friends have tried other drugs and continue to do so,they know how i feel and dont even try to convince me into it,,
  12. Anything related to Datura, any deliriant. Well I've tried Benedryl but I'm past that. Meth I'd probably try if I could get Desoxyn. I'll stay away from street meth though.
  13. Anything man made, mother nature has plenty of things to buzz me:smoking:
  14. definately man,,thats the way to go in my book..+rep on that one :hello:
  15. well i never wouldve willingly done meth but cut pills took away my free will on that one..... but im not down for crack.........or pcp.........or paint or anything retarded like that.
  16. Crack, meth, pcp, datura? Although I am pretty sure I have gotten some meth pills before with little to no mdma, fucking amazing.
  17. be willing to try everything at least once
  18. Anything that I know will do perminate damage to me after a very short period of time with very few or 1 uses. Even though it sounds like a joke, i do drugs to enhance my life, not to live my life. If that makes any sence? Im not using drugs as a cane to walk me through life, drugs are like little Super Mario Stars that give u that feeling of welll.... Godliness?
  19. #19 Barnkis, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2009
    crack, for the sole reason I would end up killing myself with my addiction.

    Any toxinss, drugs with obscene side effects, and drugs that wont get me high enough.

    Anything else is fair game, Im down for trying anything for the experience, although Im a psychedelic opiate man myself.

    I tend to hop onto a drug, use it until I feel that I've gotten everything it can give, then move on. Always with the intention to do it again sometime, another drug in the arsenal.
  20. I was tempted to say crack or something but im gonna try every drug i can, not just once though.

    ..I live by experiances.

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