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Drugs actually hinder your spirit and astral body?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TheElcinator, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. What do you think about this article? IMHO I think it's actually pretty far from true. Everything written that they try to make fact is far from it.

    Just my opinion.

    Full article. Drug Free Society

    True Dangers of drugs

    There are mainly two things that can seriously damage the information stored in our astral body and hence hurt us for many lifetimes to come: drugs and a loud noise. Both can actually significantly reverse the Universal process of our conscious evolution. Let me explain why.

    They can destroy or even erase important information already stored in our consciousness and replace it with false data. Such re-programming of consciousness may take us many lifetimes to correct. The extent of the damage depends on how long a person has been subject to these harmful influences.

    I have held long and exhausting discussions with people who used hallucinogenic drugs. Nearly all of them were impressed by “visions”, “trips” or “hallucinations” and argued that drugs help them to increase their awareness. Actually, nothing can be further from the truth than such a statement. The ability of Astral travel is a natural ability and every child can do it. There is absolutely no need to use drugs. All you need is to learn meditation, concentration and practice them everyday.

    Imagine getting a University degree in engineering or medicine for watching ads and scrambled fantasy movies on TV. This is what drugs do: entertain you. You will need to re-learn everything from the beginning if you ever need to USE the knowledge, erased by false and distorted information generated with drugs. There are no shortcuts in the spiritual and conscious evolution. This is the Law of the Universe.

    Many people ask me for the “evidence”. Consider this: every civilisation on Earth, which used drugs collapsed to nothing within a few generations. For example, in ancient Egypt 17,000 years ago people constructed a Great Pyramid from @50 tonne solid stone blocks. The Great Pyramid is comparable in height to the highest 20-th century buildings (146 m), and even today is positively impossible to build anything similar, using any amount of money and time. But when their descendants started using drugs, not only did they lose all their knowledge and all their sciences, but no one actually remembers what the Great Pyramid was for. Today “scientists” can only wonder. The entire civilisation decayed to nothing.

    If you use drugs, you risk being re-born in your next lifetime as a cripple, retarded or both, simply because there might be not enough information in your consciousness (your subconscious mind) to build your new body properly.

    “The Universal Law is well established and is as strictly enforced as that which controls the planets revolutions around their suns. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty – immediately, in ten years time, or in ten centuries time, but all errors must be paid for.”

    The Universal learning occurs because everyone has to face the consequences of his/her own mistakes. That way we learn what is a mistake and ultimately learn how to live a life. What if we won't? I guess that those of us who are absolutely stubborn and do not want to learn will get destroyed and re-cycled, as everything in Nature.
  2. #2 kojopolis, Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2011

    obviously if you use them a lot as an excuse, like every day and just say 'it helps me evolve' when you're still being a douchebag, i had a phase like that

    i smoke weed like terence mckenna suggested, (he didn't do it himself he ripped all day eryday) smoke weed once a week, i smoke about 3-4 times a week, on weekends and i always really get overwhelmed, sometimes i underestimate it and have a hard time taking the ride, never underestimate anything psychedelic, that 5 day t break i take between smoking really makes the experience feel new, i'd say 40% of the time i get uncomfortably overwhelmed for the first 20 mins

    p.s if you're against weed, you need weed, this fuck needs some weed, preferably a strong edible, get him to re-think his life in fetal-position, i've been there too many times, i'm done with edibles for a fucking WHILE.

    i'm sure there are people who trick themselves into thinking they're getting somewhere when they're really doing nothing, i did it for a bit, but i snapped out of it quickly
  3. His whole arguement was based on this statement being true and its from start to finish bullshit.

  4. BTW this statement honestly made me lol
  5. All I see is a theory which anybody could have pulled out their ass.

    What if I said laptops cause autism because as more and more people use laptops autism is on the rise.

    Autism has been on the rise as has laptop use but when I link the two together I'm completely using my imagination and writing a peice of fiction that could be taken seriously by the more gullible who believe anything without HARD CONCRETE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE
  6. You're not educated about drugs if you say they lead to a decline in spiritual prowess. Harmala has an ancient and continued use through out the Middle East because of it's ability to Ward off the evil eye and for numerous health benefits related to its use. That's only a single seed. The ancient Indian societies of the Americas had a culture so strongly based around divinatory plants that the civilizations collapsed after the Europeans arrived and eradicated the use of such powers. There are countless civilizations that have benefited in many ways with the aid of a drug. It's blatant ignorance to assume otherwise.
  7. [quote name='"kojopolis"']nahhh

    obviously if you use them a lot as an excuse, like every day and just say 'it helps me evolve' when you're still being a douchebag, i had a phase like that

    i smoke weed like terence mckenna suggested, (he didn't do it himself he ripped all day eryday) smoke weed once a week, i smoke about 3-4 times a week, on weekends and i always really get overwhelmed, sometimes i underestimate it and have a hard time taking the ride, never underestimate anything psychedelic, that 5 day t break i take between smoking really makes the experience feel new, i'd say 40% of the time i get uncomfortably overwhelmed for the first 20 mins

    p.s if you're against weed, you need weed, this fuck needs some weed, preferably a strong edible, get him to re-think his life in fetal-position, i've been there too many times, i'm done with edibles for a fucking WHILE.

    i'm sure there are people who trick themselves into thinking they're getting somewhere when they're really doing nothing, i did it for a bit, but i snapped out of it quickly[/quote]

    Those must have been some legit edibles!
  8. Drugs can definitely have severe negative effects on a person. Especially when you have people dopey enough to assume their is an inherent spiritual quality to drugs.
  9. herp derp someone knows 0 about drug history.

    Wine - holy
    Cannabis- holy
    Soma - holy (pretty sure)
    Peyote - holy
    DMT - holy

    @ white indian: drugs aren't spiritual unless you intend them to be. They are enhancers
  10. I never said they were. But there is no shortage of people in the drug culture who venerate weed, shrooms, LSD, DMT, mescaline to the point of idolatry.

  11. i wasn't saying you did, i was just responding to your post about "inherent" spiritual value. you need to use them spiritually for them to be spiritual imo.

    and yes, i agree.
  12. edibles+low tolerance is a whole nother world dude

    edibles are 4 times as psychoactive as weed

    the trippy disconnected feeling you get for about 5 mins after a huge bong rip/gravity bong hit, except it lasts for 21/2 to 3 hours
  13. [quote name='"kojopolis"']

    edibles+low tolerance is a whole nother world dude

    edibles are 4 times as psychoactive as weed

    the trippy disconnected feeling you get for about 5 mins after a huge bong rip/gravity bong hit, except it lasts for 21/2 to 3 hours[/quote]

    Nice nice
  14. #15 1Trismegistus1, Nov 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2011
    It is true to some degree. Marijuana is basically harmless, and has spiritual uses once the Initiate level is reached, and must be cultivated and prepared a certain way for that use, but at that level everything is very precise and a science.

    Psychedelics, however, cause damage to the channels that run from the kidneys to the heart, and this was called "the sacrifice of the shamans" that was withheld from foreigners who wished to know their secrets.

    As spiritual as they might seem, I cannot recommend them to one seeking genuine spiritual evolution, at least not one who has not achieved a proper level. Their effects are temporary, and they do not always present truths, so it is difficult to tell what is true knowledge attained intuitively/clairiently, and what is simply a hallucination. They can be a catalyst for one to pursue spiritual evolution, but they can never be a causal substance in the evolution itself.

    edit: The kidneys/heart are where your astral body "anchors" into the physical body, and with this damage can come dissociative type problems, and likewise this bond needs to be very strong to handle more energies without damage.

    One can learn about this by simply overdoing pranayama. You will become sick, feel very weak and tired, throbbing headache, body aches, delerium, all sorts of unpleasant effects. It is caused by the astral body being over-exerted with energy, when it is pushed past it's "stretching" point of how much energy it can handle.
  15. Your sig is my favorite song xD
  16. “A man moved near a river and, wanting to find a way to travel across the water, spent ten years forming a type of levitation that would allow him to float across it. Buddha, who was preaching in town, was confronted by this man, who said, “Look master, look what I have achieved. I can walk across the water.” And Buddha said, “Yeah, but the ferry only costs a nickel…” - Terence McKenna
  17. I'm familiar with the quote, though Mckenna isn't the one who said it originally.

    It refers to meditating/doing sadhana only for siddhis. One should strive for spiritual evolution. One who has spiritual evolution will have just as many siddhis (usually many more) naturally in the same time as the man who strove only for siddhis but who gained no evolution. Not sure why you quoted me to say it?
  18. 10 years of meditation = one strong psychedelic experience imo, if not stronger, if you write everything down/record of course
  19. Except the psychedelic wears off by morning and you're left with basically nothing of substance. Worth noting is that with various legitimate traditions, at the beginner level you will have evolved 70 natural years in about 9 months, and this says nothing of the higher techniques. Doing a perfect Kriya will cause 100 years of evolution in 30 seconds, and there are Theurgic techniques that cause 1000 years of evolution in a minute.

    A psychedelic can only bring out where you are already at, and only temporarily, it does nothing to progress you in a solid way.

    I've done plenty of them, writing does nothing because what you experience isn't in language, it is akin to the Hieroglyphics. People fail to properly translate them because they are not phonetic symbols but an intuitive writing. 1 symbol conveys an entire thought whereas language is a lesser manifestation and takes lines and paragraphs to accomplish. This is why Macgregor Matthers who got a job as a janitor rearranged the artifacts in the Egyptian section of (can't remember the museum's name) and the next day was promoted to the head of the Egyptian department (the position he originally applied for having no schooling in Egyptology). He was able to read the hieroglyphics fluently.

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