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Drug Testing Question...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by LizAngeles420, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Heyy,
    So i posted this in the medical forum, but I wasnt sure if I should post it there or here, or WHERE, but I have a question I really need some answers for...

    I havent smoked in over a month now... and smoking green is the ONE thing I feel like really helps me out and I LOVE... I just moved to the area and really didnt know anyone to get any from until a couple days ago. Here's the problem: I'm still trying to get a job since I have only lived here for about a month now- and I'm worried for some of the positions, that they may drug test. I've been wracking my brain over and over again for how I can get past this and still smoke even if I DO have to get drug tested at some point. I have turned in millions of applications everywhere and I'm just afraid that as soon as I take that FIRST hit, I'll get a call on my phone from a job somewhere thats like "Hey, we wanna hire you... can you come in for a drug test???"
    I know there are things that I could take, one in particular alot of people have recommended from GNC thats supposed to clear your system out, but I really dont have the money for it... and I"ve heard of other remodies, as well, but I really dont wanna take the chance doing something lame and failing a test and then NOT getting a job.

    SO!~ It came to me this morning, couldnt I just freeze my pee NOW since I have no THC in my urine at this moment, and then unfreeze it if I ever need to take a piss test sometime?? I know that sounds kinda crazy and maybe even somewhat gross, but at the same time, I hear about other people using other people's piss to pass tests, and thinking about that movie AMerican Beauty... he used frozen pee- granted it was for his dad to test and it's a MOVIE... PLUS, this would really be my OWN pee, so there wouldnt be any question about whether it was mine or not... Could this work or am i being totally insane??? I REALLY WANNA SMOKE GREEEEEEEEN:smoke: and I CAN but I really wanna take precaution because where I live at, it's hard to get a job here... so I dont wanna fuck up, and smoke, and then miss out on making any money...

    Like I said before, I know this is a random ass question and kinda weird... but I really need some answers soon... because I really wanna get high... It's driving me INSANE!! :confused::confused::confused:
  2. :smoke:ive herd pee in the freezer only last like a few weeks you could get someone to pee for you if its a girl me and some of my friends all have to get tested for the university that we atend becuz some bullshit and we are diehard tokers we all still smoke the only true way to get thc out of your body is to workout so if you do want to smoke workout alot thc is stored in fat cells in your body so if your not that big it will leave your system if you workout enough i have used a drink by detoxify called xxtra clean and drank alot of water idk if they care about the color of your urine tho good luck though:smoke:
  3. Thanks for the input!!! I really do appreciate it. I think I'm just being overly paranoid, but I just wanted to make sure I know a way that will work if I DO indeed have to get a dt. I'm not on probation or anything, I'm more concerned about job dt's. I've never had to take one, so I'm not sure how they work. But I DO know I finally am gonna be able to smoke again within the next couple of days and still havent heard whether or not I am hired at any of the numerous places I applied for. SOme of them I KNOW wont test me, while other ones I think MAY... so I just wanted to do the research just in case I DO end up in that kind of situation. I dont wanna regret smoking because I have to take some stupid test...

    Thanks Again! :wave:

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