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Drug Testing Help

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by zeekthefreak, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Hey fellow stoners, I didn't know where else to turn for halfway decent information about my drug testing so I turned here.  After researching around the web, i'm having a tough time sifting through all of the info be it false or accurate.  For starters I'm 5'10", about 195 lbs., have a small layer of chub but I work out 4-5 days a week.  As part of my probation testing, I get tested once a month, and I know my next test is this thursday morning, so today I took an at home test and failed.  Before today (8/25), I hadn't smoked for 10 days, at which point i took 3 hits from a g-pen.  Before that, I had been clean for 3 weeks, and before that I was a pretty heavy smoker.  My second test was 2 weeks after I stopped smoking, and according to the judge I passed it.  What can I do for the next few days to increase my chances of passing.    I'm pounding water and cranberry juice, running a half/full mile every hour or so in a sweatshirts (its hot as fuck out) and posting up in my hot car sweating it out.  Any help would be appreciated as I really need to pass this one.  
    Side Note* I took the at home test about 30 minutes after I finished working out for the day, which I heard has an effect on your passing.. Please help a brother out.  

  2. I'm trying to help you. I know this is LONG but if you read it all it will probably help you
    I have done a lot of extensive research online about how to pass a drug test after smoking recently and everybody claims to a method that has worked for them but nobody has proof. I decided to test out a few of the most common methods I saw. If you have a different method please let me know and I will be glad to get high and test it out for you.
    \n*KEEP IN MIND* I am a regular smoker (multiple times a day) so these results may not be the same if you smoke less.
    \nMethod 1: Take niacin and B Vitamins everyday before you test and drink lots of gatorade. I smoked and waited 3 days. during those 3 days I took 1000mg of niacin and 1500mcg of b-12 vitamin B supplements per day. Immediately before the test (1-2 hours before) I quickly chugged 3 32 fl oz gatorades (orange blue and red). I tested my urine and the test read positive for THC.
    \nMethod 2: put bleach in your urine (6-10 drops) to pass a urine test. I smoked again and waited 3 days again and tested my regular urine (tested positive for THC) then I tested my bleach urine sample (also tested positive for THC). According to my test results, bleach does not help to pass a urine test for THC.
    \nMethod 3: put salt in your urine to make the test inconclusive. I smoked and then waited 3 days (a pretty standard time most people would have to take a urine test for a job after being informed they would need to submit a sample). I tested my regular urine and the test came positive for THC. I then tested another sample of my urine (immediately after on a separate screening test) and added 2 packets of salt (that I got from a fast food chain) and a small amount of warm water (about 20ml). I stirred the salt in the pee and tested the urine: it read negative for THC.
    \nMethod 4: dont do drugs. obviously the least fun solution but I decided to test this as well. I smoked and after 3 days tested. I still tested positive. I tested myself every night and passed the test (no thc) on day 5 of not smoking (I am 5' 10" and 120lbs) also my metabolism is very high (why I am so skinny) so this might be a big factor in how it got cleared so fast.
    \nMethod 5: detox pills/drinks. I went to my local head shop and bought vale detox drink. I smoked and the next day (instead of after 3 days) drank the vale (which was expensive) and tested my urine. It still came positive for THC. I just wasted a lot of money on the drink...
    \nMethod 6: sweat it out. Luckily I live in a condo association with a sauna/steamroom in its gym facilities. I smoked and planned on testing myself in 3 days. During those 3 days I ran 3 miles a day and sat in the steamroom for 45 minutes a day. I sweat a lot, and after the 3 days my urine still tested positive for THC.
    \nAfter a lot of testing, the only thing that worked for me was A) refraining from smoking for 5 days (it might not be 5 days for you, but it will be a longer period than you are probably used to) and the salt. However with the salt test I also added a small amount of warm water. and this was just a home test i used. If you are being tested by a laboratory their thc detection might be more fine than the home test.
    \nThis is the best info I could gather (I ran out of urine tests). If you need to pass a drug test quickly I would recommend doing all of the above (except the bleach). The bleach left a very distinct smell in the urine cup. I would stop smoking for at least 4 days and try the salt with extra warm water, vitamins, and lots of fluids. Hope this helped somebody.

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